A couple of translation notes/clarifications (and mistakes), that I think would be helpful to have, since this chapter has some important dialogue, with additional author emphasis and ambiguity that the current translation is missing (it's a lot more foreboding):
P.10 - "just a look should be fine" should be "just being able to see it is fine"
- "that's why 'he was exhausted'" should be "that's why 'I got noticed'"
Wherever you have "Bookmark", it's more likely that the ghost is just saying "shiori", which is a common name.
P.19 - "this is not 'the one who bookmarks'" should be "this isn't Shiori, is it"
P.20 - "ah. so it's higher then" should be "ah, is it higher up?"
- "he's asking them its position?" should be "He's asking about its position?" (or "he's listening for its position?") There's some subject/object/verb homonym ambiguity here. The author put dots where the furigana would be for the asking/listening text, similar to how he did for other parts of the dialogue that the author wants us to pay attention to, like "old man", and "everyone here" when Seto makes references to the spirits, but this time, presumably it's Miko's inner dialogue being given the emphasis
- "The 8th one" should just be "Number 8"
P.25 - "ahhhhhh" should be "noooooo"
P.28 - "I'm glad I got to talk to you in person today. After all, it's hard to tell from what you hear, right?" should be "it was good to talk to you directly today. After all, you can't really know what's going on when you hear things from someone else" (same furigana emphasis that I mentioned... author's implying some ambiguity or a reference to spirits here... not just talking about Romm)
- "We are on your side. We want you to feel safe and secure" should be "We are on your side. I want you to rest assured that you can leave it to us." (this gives the ambiguous "danger" flags the author is likely intending it to have, rather than an assurance of safety... is Miko 100% part of the "people/person/human" that Seto is an ally of?)
P.30 - "that's why my chest hurts" can also be "that's why, it's heartbreaking"
P.31 - "it's over" should be "cleaned plate" or "table cleared" (a playful wordplay from the author to both say "end", and also that they ravaged that meal)
Not sure if I should be letting
@Cegarth know, if they want to incorporate any of this into the scanlation or TL notes ... Just noticed that this is a different scanlation group than the one who's been doing most of this series. Did Fairy Knight
@blankaex abandon this project? I don't think I ever noticed any translation issues awkward enough for me to look at the raws before.