Mieruko-chan - Ch. 63

Active member
Mar 24, 2019
I just hope Miko and Michiru get together by the end of this. Even if it's not a yuri-focused manga, they're just too cute together. As for the ghosts, I hope Miko can eventually face one of them, preferably her father, and see that not all ghosts will attack you on recognition. If that is the case, anyways. I just want to see her be fearless again.

As for the localizer drama and certain translators inserting their own politics into their translations, I have one thing to chip in here. I can't remember the exact examples, but I feel like it's been a trend that every manga I've read that's either about or includes any trans, NB, or GNC characters, the translation always goes out of its way to address them incorrectly. At least, that's how it feels. It's hard to put my trust into the translators of those manga when I know what the anime/manga community is usually like these days. I often find myself wondering, "Is this really what was said, an approximation, or a bastardization?" Especially after that one infamous translation of the baki manga that went totally off the rails. I can't fact check the original japanese myself, so I just have to say, "Welp, I hope this translator isn't a bigot!" and then if it still happens I have to wonder, "Who was the bigot? Was there one, or is it a genuine mistake?" There are so many layers of obfuscation that it's hard to come up with an actual definitive example of this sort of thing without any plausible deniability on the side of the accused. Meanwhile, I'm just left here wondering when I'm going to read something with those types of characters without having to constantly be on guard about possible dishonesty.

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