Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 1 Ch. 7


Jun 25, 2018
This manga is really good. I like it.

Is that because I am a cat person? Or is this a good manga? xD
Jun 2, 2019
Okay, I read the novel and I just wanna say,
that friggin prince is the worst! He doesn't feel even a little guilt or symphaty for Ronia despite knowing her family background. He's a first class butthole. He's selfish and only cares about himself. He even got angry at Ronia
because everybody actually wants her to be the queen including the current king. He was tasked to apologized to Ronia personaly hence why they are looking for her. I'm so angry at him ugh. And that Misano has been planning to get rid of her from the start.

Also, Ronia is much OP and has done so many amazing things than what she take credits for. My poor baby has a low ass self esteem, it hurts.
And in the 3rd volume!.. Wait.. I should stop giving spoilers. 😶
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
@LazyTyke @NovaXII @Ifrittuccia

Grandpa's visit
Checking on Rhonya and telling/warning her that her *abusive* (what was her abuse? Both mother and brother giving her too many responsibilities and unrealistic expectations and belittling/ignoring her achievements. Question: Is blaming a sick person, by sick I mean the simple cold and/or feverish Rhonya is told it is her fault for getting sick a form of mental/physical abuse?) brother and Shneider (novel timeline wise, this is either him being forced to look for her by Hansel, Lexi, and the king or him realizing it was all a misunderstanding all along and is desperate to seek for her forgiveness. Other reason for grandpa's visit is asking Rhonya if she made a friend

Novel vol.o1 mini spoilers and a little bit of surprising facts to our charas
Vol.01 is mostly intro and settling down to our SOL themed series.
1. Sena ends up becoming Rhonya's first official friend due to their similar interests in reading and literature (and even sets up a potential friendship flag to Sena's younger sibling)
2. Chise the wolf by Vol.02's intro page and just the prologue (which is right after the events of vol.01) is revealed to be a romanticist (the gossiping kind when it comes to love. He basically initiates the dialogue to what is Rhonya's type.
3. Ryuse is a tsundere. His POV chapter in the LN is definitely the best for me. Revealed to be a heavy blusher and is the most physically intimate (would frolick/snuggle with her if she were to let her guard down but is still a gentleman) once his dere side is fully shown. The tsun side reappears briefly at the prologue of vol.02.
4. Shize the lion accdg. to his POV admits to have already fallen for her since she physically healed him (I believe this was already adapted?). Basically she already gave him a good impression first meeting, he lowered his guard when he noticed her using her telekinetic magic ring (out of consideration of them sleeping back then) and by the time she healed him, he admits to have already fallen for her.
5. Ryuse on his POV also falls for her but may or may not have realized it. At least on Rhonya gets sick chapter, he doesn't get jealous when Shize princess carries the sick Rhonya and even insist that out of the 4 of them, Sena should be the one to take care of her. Sena is indirectly the cause of her getting sick due to their book sharing. She basically reads the entire book while bathing so by the time she finishes reading, said bathwater was already chilly.
6. Rhonya sick chapter basically shows how sh*tty mother and brother are (blames a sick person for getting sick) and showed a little bit of ShneiderxRhonya, this sole event was what left a good impression to grandpa, enough for him to ask her if she was willing to give Shneider a chance but respects her decision that it is truly over and that she is much happier.
7. Sena is the one most suspicious of her circumstances in vol.01. He already assumes she is a runaway noble just from her MP alone and is the first to hear about Shneider (granted, it was from a sickly, unconscious Rhonya who was dreaming said event. She has also mentioned her fears about her brother to him (but not the circumstances), how she left because she's heartbroken, and even told half the truth about the reincarnation (she basically asks him what if he was reincarnated into a book, would he fight destiny. His answer discourages her a bit and Rhonya admits on her head that her biggest regret was not trying hard enough.
8. Biggest baddies of vol.01 are background evil mercs that attempts to trash her store. She is held at gunpoint at some point and will be saved later on but her magical feats aren't to be laughed at
9. She is contracted to multiple spirits counting the Lotus faeries, the Spirit Lord Orphedoto (the one who governs the Lotus forest), and the mythical beast Laclain (half man, half bird beast, basically a male harpy where one of his attacks have him individually control as many of his feathers.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
Judging from the last panel I foresee trouble for the protagonist.
Edit : @Hypothon I had read your comment, don't worry, I just felt the need to comment in this way.
After all, a family that has appeared only now after all this time, certainly does not appear just to greet.
Even if she is hiding, it doesn't mean they couldn't be heard by letter.
And it is clear that they never even made themselves heard, otherwise there would have been some signal. '^^
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
Vol.02 (up until chapter 5) and Vol.03 prologue spoilers

Shneider's POV (Vol.02), the aftermath of Rhonya's departure from the plot/academy
I am ashamed to admit I mistakenly read Vol.03's prologue first and mistakenly went aww~ to Shneider's desperate attempts to look for her (which will be extended later) since vol.02 was done by a different translator, it was updated later and boy when you read it, you'll FUME and BOIL with rage. So here goes!
Summary of his POV has him talk to various characters. The results of said talks include:
(Before anything else, at Laclaine's intro chapter has him sent on an errand to send letters to Rhonya's bff's to tell them she's fine but she won't disclose her whereabouts out of fear of her brother). A little reminder, this was done by a different translator, its readable and decent but I prefer the other one (but the updates were so slow!)

Hansel: We get a clothes choke and if the guy could curse he would. He screams at Shneider for not being on Rhonya's side DESPITE being her fiancee and that no matter the circumstances, he SHOULD'VE sided with HER (Hansel was not present because he was called out by his family and like Lexi runs back to the academy to give him a piece of their mind) since they were ENGAGED and GREW UP TOGETHER. Hansel is PISSED and threatens to end their friendship if anything happens to her (with his relationship to Rhonya and the Prince, it is speculated Hansel's family is one of the top merchant families of the kingdom). Hansel foces him to look for her whereabouts. Shneider looks for her half heartedly.
The King: The King reprimands him for the Nth time for PUBLICLY humiliating her and forcing her to run away and INSISTS he SINCERELY apologizes for his behavior to Rhonya's grandfather and he better start to SERIOUSLY look for her. The King is not against on his new relationship with Misano (basically, scr*w with your decision, you've already ignored me for the Nth time. Why should I care?). One of the strongest dialogues of this chapter has him explain to Shneider, (a rather rough paraphrasing on my part) "Do you know why for 7 years, your relationship with each other was practically perfect? Because both of you, especially Rhonya gave the perfect distance to the opposite sex, not giving anyone the chance to intervene but now look at you, one woman won you over while Rhonya stayed loyal to you." The king also tells him that the one that loses more to this is Rhonya because again she WAS PUBLICLY humiliated. Basically EVERY notable side character who sh*ts on him kept reminding him how sh*tty a move to PUBLICLY annul the engagement especially on a noblewoman who was already suffering from mental abuse from her family.
Foreign Middle Eastern Prince: A 13 year old prince from the kingdom of Aladdin, described as incredibly mature glares at Shneider and downright tells him how disappointed their kingdom was the engagement was cancelled (basically implying Rhonya's high capability in diplomacy. She is even seen in high regard later by the entire elven kingdom, not to mention her magic feats and relationship with Orphedoto later on will be expanded.)

Shneider b*tches in his head and wonders why the important people of his life trust on Rhonya more when the academy student body agrees with his decision. He even calls Rhonya the "root of all evil" (at least based on the translation, might be wrong)

2nd talk with Hansel and
Laclaine: Hansel is begging Laclaine for Rhonya's location. Laclaine doesn't give a sh*t and is taking a break since he just came from another kingdom to deliver the letter to Lexi. Shneider sees the Lotus faeries giving him a massage and attempts to ask for Rhonya's whereabouts as well (sounding as sweet as possible), the Rotos shake their heads and does the X sign with their hands and go AHH, Nuu~. At Rhonya's sick chapter, Sena notes that the Rotos literally hate him (and if the sweet things could glare, they would). Laclaine doesn't budge and reminds Hansel that she is okay and he is enough proof and the reason why he won't tell them is that Hansel is Shneider's friend first. As for Shneider, Laclaine threatens him with a swarm of floating feathers and even compares him to Rhonya's cold brother (making him mad even more) and leaves.

Misano and him are on their date and we get to see a bit of Misano's thoughts. It is proven she truly believed Rhonya was jealous of HER (she's half right. She STOLE her fiancee, she's talented with magic without a tutor, has an implied better relationship with her family) and even mentions how spoiled Rhonya was when she was dating Shneider. Shneider attempts to explain her circumstances and gives up when he realizes nothing will change even if Misano will understand.

Lexi: Arrives and gives a BIG slap to Shneider. She has to tell and remind him the hard truth. No matter how much they sugarcoat it in their loving wonderland, it was Misano who was jealous of Rhonya, it was Misano who stole her fiancee, and the only reason Rhonya held back with everything else is because she loved Shneider so much that she was willing to endure what she was going through from her family BECAUSE its for him and then attempts to hit him even more but is stopped by Misano. Lexi challenges her to a duel but is stopped by both Hansel and Shneider. The entire event has made Shneider look for Rhonya a little seriously. On the way to Rhonya's grandfather's house, Lexi attempts to kick him and Shneider defends himself by saying he's good when deciphering lies and Misano definitely did not lie (coming from a woman who TRULY believes the she was being bullied because of unavoidable circumstances/fate/ mostly accidents like at this chapter.
May 3, 2018
I dont know exactly why her brother is looking for her buy it is heavily implied it is not for something good. Side note she 100% terrified that her brother might find her to the point where if he did she would cut all ties to the human world.
Prince on the other hand is at this point in time is looking for her because he is be forced to by their shared friend who nervous for her and wants to know where she is and from the King of the country who wants him to apologize to her at least. Especially since he should have known better that a public announcement of their disengagement at the school would not only get her kicked out of the school but disowned by her own family. [/Spoilers]
Aggregator gang
Aug 25, 2019
misano is the worst and FUCK that prince too. cheating asshole. i hope they both get what's coming to them!!!! thanks to everyone for all the spoilers~ please keep them coming~ i feel so bad for our mc tho i hope everyone leaves her the hell alone and lets her be happy PLEASE GRANDPA!!!! DON'T SELL HER OUT

thank you very much for the update~
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
Vol.02 World building/flashback/Rhonya's magical feats

The flashback is basically a 3rd party explaining Rhonya's greatness to the demi merc squad (without Rhonya's knowledge... so far(?)
We are introduced with a demon race. A race capable of bewtching anything beneath/below/heavily weaker than them. A demon once attacked the Lotus forest with an army of bewitched monsters. Laclaine gets injured due to sheer numbers. Rhonya is asked for her aid since the other mage contracted to Orphedoto (currently the royal mage, Gratia, which is her mentor in magic and also a rival to her brother is busy with kingdom's affairs) is absent, Rhonya is allowed to leave despite her exams (she is allowed a do over since she remained top of her class).

Rhonya's magical feats
1. Has her cast an illusion spell to bad merc group of vol.01 (basically an entire room of floating knives, she admits the result wasn't within her expectations since they didn't run away and she was forced to cast the barrier of her shop.
2. Rhonya's weaknesses so far have been her being too forgiving (she gave the bad merc group 10 seconds to leave, not counting the time to cast the barrier. She was successful here). Just above human reaction speeds but was caught off guard and at gunpoint at some point (she was calm but had to be saved by the 4 demis) and as of vol.02, she has not mastered sealing magic
3. Back to her feats, she basically has to protect the forest from the monsters and heal a stubborn Laclaine (she hasn't formed a contract with him yet at that point in time). Laclaine narrates, She had to heal him, multi cast spells left and right like summoning suits of moving armor, countering spells from the demons (again, rough paraphrasing) like a fire spell has her summon rain and when the rain becomes a storm, she had to "calm the skies". When Laclaine is doing fine, she is revealed to be decent in swordsmanship and goes to face off the demon and imperfectly seals him. The demon has by then escaped the seal and has been looking for her to possess her body. Said event has gained her the respect and hinted affection of Laclaine (the translator even refers to it as love)

The aftermath of the war of the Lotus forest
Rhonya insists they keep her achievement a secret because once her family finds out, they'd only increase her burden and unrealistic expectation. Orphedoto explains to the demi merc squad her actions SAVED THE WORLD since he is an/THE BIGGEST authority of plant life of the world
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
Her cheek should have ripped right off her face from that lick.
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
No probs. But a little extenstion, the reason her grandfather can't visit her often is because of the risk of her brother noticing him leaving (even if it was them teleporting to her location.

How scared IS Rhonya with her brother
If it wasn't obvious enough with the spoilers, she once begged the Lotus faeries that when the time comes her brother finds her, she'd rather run and hide to the Lotus forest for all eternity

Funnily enough
Laclaine asks for her permission that if he were to see her brother, to have him release his full power in order to kill/fight back and Rhonya denies his help (since she is still a good person and her cold blooded brother is still her brother by blood)
Active member
Jun 7, 2019

No probs! Always love a fellow supporter of spoilers.

As for my last spoilers of the day (there is still vol.03 prologue but OMY to have dinner first. Will edit later)

It is heavily hinted her mentor likes her too romantically. Her mentor WANTS HER to call him by name and covers his mouth/blushes when she calls him by nickname instead (she respects him too much, is still both her senior and her mentor for a name, and her noble side is basically telling her "don't! He's THE royal mage!
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
Vol.03 Prologue spoilers

Shneider POV chapter as a whole
It is revealed Shneider is already aware of the misunderstanding and is desperately looking for Rhonya. It is implied he leaves school (probably even skips classes) to look for her. His first stop is to always sincerely apologize ot her grandfather and hoping he finally discloses her whereabouts but fails. He remembers one of his love rivals, an elven prince (whose name escapes me ATM), the same elven prince someone spoiled me proposed to her and travels to the elven kingdom and meets the queen instead. The elven queen is the highest authority of the elven kingdom (whose name also escapes me. Really sorry! *bows*), her husband, the king and brother, the prince being 2nd in command.

The conversation can be summarized to 3 things

What made me mistakenly go aww~ before reading vol.02 and the last parts of Vol.03 prologue was basically Shneider's determination. With this, my earlier spoiler last chapter about Shneider berating Rhonya for not correcting the misunderstanding might be false.

Back to the one sided roast with Shneider by the elven queen.
Shneider bows his head (well, he's still a prince, crown prince sure). Queen is not pleased and is looking at him like filth.
Queen be like: So the kingdom finally corrected their mistake in the misunderstanding at the cost of such a high quality gem leaving society and nobody knows where she is. Shneider begs for her location. Queen laughs (insert with dead eyes) and calls him scum multiple times, even lower than scum. She reminds him it was because of Rhonya he was a man worth admiring and grew wonderfully (*this is my interpretation* and if she could tell him, as a woman, how insulted she was for what Rhonya had to go through) both as a person and as a lover. She teaches him her role as a ruler, in a woman's POV, a man needs someone, something to protect (that's why she left the kingdom's people and defensive affairs to her husband and brother), her role is more of a symbol and judge. Btw, she allowed her brother to ignore his responsibilities for a bit until he can meet Rhonya again (Queen basically wants her as a sister in law), the elven prince is waiting at his and Rhonya's "special place", the place where they first met, a flower field on a hill where the Lotus faeries asked her to tend to. The elven prince is hinted to have fallen for her at first sight (has no physical appearance yet from the translations) and is one of the few men Shneider considers a rival and is fully aware of his feelings for Rhonya (even getting "hurt" at the thought of Rhonya being with another. The Queen reveals the reason why the Prince did not confess because anyone who could see their seven year relationship (either started when they were 6-8, Rhonya's age btw is currently 16 in the translations, Shize is 24, Sena is 21/23, Ryuse and Chise are both 20) were practically perfect so he didn't confess. By allowing him to skip on his duties, the Queen hopes his brother confesses and attains happiness.

Back to the one sided slaughter: the Queen tells the role of the men of her life and tells Shneider her role as a wife, sister, and as a woman, is to prevent men of their life from getting CONCEITED. She tells Shneider he became conceited and this is the result. Shneider is discouraged and doesn't give up. Her husband is exasperated and is wondering what is taking her so long that she has to give up her precious time to such a person. The Queen teases him and Shneider is subjected to their flirting and near perfect romance status. Shneider doesn't give up. Queen laughs, (the narrative mentions how her eyes are NOT.LAUGHING.AT.ALL and is all (very informal paraphrasing) "did you not hear me? After all the wisdom I have told you, YOU.NO.LONGER.DESERVE.HER, your first step into becoming a decent human being again leaving your scum status, other than realizing your mistake is to LEAVE.HER.ALONE

Shneider leaves and his day is once again an uneventful one. He heads back into the academy, Misano spots him, runs towards him. He closes his door on her face. She bangs on his door proclaiming, she was right, to believe her, Rhonya was the one in the wrong, the one jealous of her. Shneider stops her by screaming behind his door, (Rough paraphrasing again😓) "Stop it Misano! We were the ones in the wrong. It was all a misunderstanding! I've broken up with you already. Leave me alone! If I see you, I can't stop myself from blaming you! Misano leaves heartbroken.

Question to those who've read this far?

1. Can you see the spoiler of Shneider berating Rhonya true judging from the prologue despite the narrative mentioning he's desperate in asking her forgiveness?
2. The same spoiler I've seen/posted last chapter, because Shneider can only scream at Misano behind a door, is there any indication of him still having feelings for her?
Apr 15, 2019
@Hypothon I haven't read the LN but my understanding based on your spoiler only so take it as a grain of salt
It seem like Shneider slowly realizing he fucks up big time but can't come to term that he is largly to blame. And the Misano seem to still in the baby mindset and cannot see the bigger pictures (either bc she doesn't have full info or stuborn not to sees).

High chance he broke up with Misano as a way to push the blame to another person aka hurt another to feel better a bit. Likr how he publicly humiliated our lady.
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
Ah I forgot to add

My TRUE LAST spoilers for the day (hopefully)

One of the Reasons why Shneider fell for Misano
Back on their date and Misano casually insulting Rhonya (there has been no indication she's a reincarnated person nor any spoilers that she is one) like Rhonya being overly spoiled by Shneider's attention and protection, their difference being Misano either sees herself or Shneider sees her as an "independent and mature woman (again, if she isn't a reincarnator, she TRULY and I'm putting emphasis here based on the 2 Shneider POV chapters, she TRULY believes Rhonya was bullying and was jealous of her (I guess the bg ladies insulting her this manga chapter wasn't helping)
. There's also the fact, Shneider either forgot/got tired of his role as Rhonya's pillar of support.

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