MMOs With MD: What would *You* Play?

Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
I have idly considered getting back into MMOs but mostly for the social experience. If so, I'd like to form an MD related guild.

Who would be interested? What would you consider playing? I'm eyeing FFIV, WoW, and Elder Scrolls Online. I would prefer a minimum of 10 players so we have a core base to start out with and make new friends.

Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
Group Leader
Jul 14, 2019
If it's actually 10+ players, that's the point at which you can make substantial progress in Wurm. Although there's a lot to be said for getting Unlimited and bumping rates anyway, just because a private server feels fresher.
And ah, fuck it, since I'm here, obligatory Minecraft.

I'm interested in a space MMO but I don't have a bead on good ones. Starport GE was my goto but it's broken on wine.

I am vaguely interested in giving Ryzom another go and not screwing up my character build this time. But I don't recall Ryzom being particularly amazing, it was just mechanically interesting.

Could dick about in the Mana World I guess, or some other pixelly thing. Though I don't recall any notable names beyond that, and honestly, it's kinda low-tier.

Oh! Puzzle Pirates! It's legitimately a really good MMO! Like, the traits that people often desire in MMOs are all present in it. So yeah, it's a kids' game. But it's also fun for adults. Especially once you start reading up about sword fighting pro play.

Age of Wushu has a lot to it, plenty to explore and enjoy (and the combat is loosely fighting game-based, in a way that makes sense in an MMO), but I can't actually in good conscience recommend playing it, because the devs are incredibly greedy. :/

ED: Mabinogi! Which is kinda cool across the board.

[Salty that Elyria isn't out yet. And Gekkeiju. And......]
Dec 16, 2018
Aug 27, 2018
City of Heroes, even if it is on one of those 'evil' private servers. The social aspect is pretty strong with that game, especially if you are in an active supergroup.
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2018
Haven't played any pc game for years but, PSO2 maybe? The game is pretty much all about character making, symbol art spamming, and lobby action flexing.
Mar 16, 2019
I may be interested, been thinking about getting back into MMO's myself, mainly eyeing FFIV and ESO but I'm probably going to quit and switch to Pantheon Rise of The Fallen when it comes out whichever I choose. I probably would only play an hour or two a day, might binge some days.

Guild wars 2 can be played for free so that might be an appealing option if people interested don't want to pay a sub or pay a base price like ESO.

Project Gorgon is a low graphic MMO from developers of Asherons Call. It cost like $40. I've played it a bit its fun but might not be everyones cup of tea, has a small playerbase. (it has a demo-version you can try)

Could play an old-school mmo and explore the old maps and expansions. Most people can't stand the old UI's and graphics though. Everquest has been doing time locked progression servers where the content starts at vanilla and releases the expansions every month or a year depending on the server.

Honestly I think ESO would probably be the safest choice though.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
> Guild wars 2 can be played for free so that might be an appealing option if people interested don't want to pay a sub or pay a base price like ESO.

The problem is GW2 is very limited in free form. Only base content is available. Two expansions and all its content are locked out. Trading post (auction house) basicly locked out (well you can trade very basic materials, but that's all). So you are limted to 6 years old content and endless farm for mats.

Edit: However I should admit there was very friendly community last time I played about a year ago...
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2018
Phantasy Star Online 2, it's rather weird for you to not know about it even though it got anime adaptation running now.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Ah, Phantasy Star. I vaguely remember that name. I remember it was pretty popular among weebs for a time in the...early 2000s? I forget. But I never got into it.
Apr 23, 2018
PSO2 is getting an english realease? Woah, talk about being late. Right now I'm playing Warframe again, I don't know how long I'll last but I'm making way more progress that the other 2 times.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
Currently playing FFXIV. Here’s my idea if you play FFXIV people will have have cross platform play. Therefore whether if your pc Mac or console you can still interact with each other on the server. So setting up a guild wouldn’t be so bad. Regions and servers when you pick one can be changed. Game is a story based MMO.

1 character can unlock all classes/jobs. So no need for an alt character unless you want todo that. There are many classes/jobs from tanks healers, dps, and unique jobs (including and not limited to gatherers and crafters I.e. goldsmith, leatherwork, blacksmith, miner, culinary, botanist). Guilds can have houses, can you not only can build your own but if can furnish it. Either crafting, market board or sometimes a box might have an item or two. FFXIV has pvp, but the game really shines through it’s pve.

Classes and jobs in the beginning may feel slow if you compare it to WOW. To compensate that you have abilities that are off the global cool down that you weave together with your abilities that are on the global cool down. The current expansion Shadowbringers is great.

Now I’ve played ESO. The thing is you have to make sure at start is your playing in the right region. You can’t change region servers if you pick US, but then want to change to EU. Certain races are locked to specific regions because of factions. But there’s are at least one race that can join any.

Classes cannot be switched. If you wish to change go and create a new character. ESO is not Skyrim, just need to say that. But it’s still fun. Lycanthropy and Vampirism exist in game so feel free to contract the disease. The game really shines with the faction war.

Siege warfare exist with other groups I.e. trebuchets. ESO has good PVP. There are different in game groups you can align yourself to that unlock there own skill trees. Just be wary choose your skills wisely. There is a crafting system but I don’t know how to use it.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
I'm leaning towards FFIV pretty heavily but I've heard great things about ESO. I'm hoping more people will see this thread and share their opinion.
Dec 16, 2018

Its from Aslain .

It's the Azur Lane mod. :)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Guess I'll throw in stuff nobody has mentioned:

- Maplestory2: Dungeon grind.

- Soulworker: Yet another dungeon grind.

- Dungeon Fighter Online (DFO): Only have 2h in can't say for sure.

If I had to vote on something that's already mentioned then:

- Mabinogi: 1h in but seems promising last time I played.

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