There are only 3 people who are names are unannounced: Mr.Molester, Ms.Understanding and Mr.Glasses.
And only the pages which is for Mr.Understanding is colored fully.
Even in the description they mentioned that main people are Ms.Understanding and Mr.Molester.
These are signals!
Because of these strange facts,
"Based on real story" thing is bugging me.
I think story is changed to good ending.
Author thought of writing really depressing manga at first, and then after some time, he realized that kind of ending might not be liked by readers.
I think only real thing was the first emotions between Mr.Molester and Ms.Underatanding.
It would be most logical reason to the facts I mentioned.
I guess Ms.Unerstanding was turned into not much important person in the second half of manga, and then one little seen caught me.
The seen when Mr.Glasses and Ms.Undertanding get together, in the extra chapter.
In conclusion, I think, the actual real story was like this: "Mr.Molester finds her love and falls for Ms.Understanding. But in the end, Mr.Glasses gets the girl"