@mage_goo It would be a rather convoluted series of events for there to have been others who have gotten appraisals that said they were comparable to gods and then proceeded to suck at everything. I'd probably drop the story if the story tried to pull that one. Because again once more, comparable to a god. That's the part that bothers me. Everything else I could buy at a stretch if need be, but the moment the appraisal compared him to a god in its description logic would have to take a flying leap off a cliff for someone to conclude that person was anything less than comparable to a god. Because that's literally in its description.
Like if say in real life on a 0-100% scale test that somehow decided the rest of your life, if someone somehow got a result that said, "G for Godlike. No more room for further improvement," what kind of conclusion would a reasonable person draw? If you were a parent or whatever, how logical would it be to go, "Oh no, woe is me. I don't know what this result says but now I must shun and neglect my child because even though I know what "Godlike" means it won't affect my attempt at interpreting this unknown thing in the worst possible way whatsoever! Tragedy and misery, begone my child and leave me to my sorrow!" Or would you go, "Godlike? That must be good, right? I don't know how others will interpret it, but I'll at least try to figure out what this means before I jump to silly conclusions and abandon my child is such a way that would surely doom him if he were truly without talent."
But if you left out all mention of being on the same level as a god, everything falls into place better. "G. No more room for further improvement." "Accomplished. Proof of completion. This soul will not grow any further." Without the mention of being comparable to a god, assuming the worst all of a sudden makes a lot more sense. And it's just that small thing that bothers me. That attempt at making the main character seem cooler instead is just the crack in the screen that affects everything else that's viewed through it. As long as the story doesn't focus on it you can ignore it, but the story keeps bringing it up.
But whatever. The more I think about it the more annoying I find it. I'll just leave it at that and try to turn my brain off whenever it pops up.