Munou na Nana

Nov 2, 2019
That low score and those sub 100 iq comments made me realize how stupid 90% of population is.
Oct 25, 2020
Btw guys there are 54 English chapters of this just not on mangadex

But u have to read them on those sites with all the ads like mangafreak
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2019
This is giving Kyochuu Rettou a run for its money in terms of worst writing. I still cant believe the author is actually paid for the story as a seperate person.

The people on that island are all retarded as hell without exception. I dont know who can actually enjoy reading this diarrhea of logic, but aint me.

Dont simp to hard for a drawn girl my boys. Feels like thats all people who read this care about from the comments.
Aug 24, 2020
There are other translated chapters for those wondering. It starts getting A LOT better. They seem to have dropped or whatever right before the best parts
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
I feel like this had potential... then I read the first chapter and two... and no.
It don't imo.

LIKE, it could've been way better than this, like really? That's the plot? Nah, fuck this shit. I'm out.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@silentfx Nah the initial plot is pretty interesting, but they manage to fuck the whole thing up with bad writing. Nothing wrong with it being dark and fucked up, but they just execute it so poorly it's laughable.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@chee_b Bruh this is one of the most poorly written manga I have read in awhile. What is even remotely redeeming about it? I don't care that it's dark, I just think that the way they execute it is embarrassing. They make everyone but the MC a bumbling fucking idiot. The MC is stupidly reckless and incredibly naive, but honestly I can't even blame them when everyone else is this fucking stupid. It's like having a normal person trick a dog. It's simply not entertaining to watch complete idiots get fooled by someone who is barely trying. It's just fucking boring and a poor excuse for writing. Please explain how this manga is even remotely good.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2020
@Podi125 cause they are all like, middle school students who believe they are invincible and she is a talentless government trained assassin, so ya, human tricking dogs.
Feb 1, 2020
#Podi125 it's good because 'a girl killing a bunch of idiots' is not its actual plot. We can feel the sense of wrongness from the very first murder, as it's just a harmless kid. It's a narrative choice to set up some doubt in MC and the system backing her up, even though 'using children to secretly murder other children because the latter could potentially cause trouble' could speak for itself.

So while reading, I was waiting (and expecting) MC to realize it, so that the plot could really progress.
And it takes some time, but it gets there.

I'm sad this has such a low rating, as most probably dropped it before the story started to properly unravel.
Nov 2, 2019
>muh bad writing
You just throw random words around.
Seething about children getting tricked =/= bad writing. Also you're looking at the story from killer perspective. Of course it's obvious for you that Nana is a bad guy and everyone is fucking stupid.
Nov 22, 2020
@Podi125 i cant fight with that but this manga is somthing i just waste my time with
2nd i've read some manga that are 10x more stupid so it isnt so bad
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@chee_b Dude I'm calling it bad writing because even from the children's perspectives it's fucking obvious and their thought process is nonsensical.
Best example of that is the dude who can travel through time. She runs up to him in the middle of the night and suddenly decides she trusts him enough to tell him that her classmate got killed right in front of her. Anyone with half a brain cell would immediately think, "Why would she hide this CRITICAL information until this very moment? If she didn't trust me earlier, she should have gathered more people and told everyone in the classroom. That would be the most sensible thing to do right? So why is she doing something completely irrational and incredibly dangerous? Could she have been so traumatized that she couldn't say anything about her classmate being devoured? Wait that doesn't make any sense, she said they went their separate ways. And wasn't she a bit too calm and acting a bit too normal after her classmate was murdered? She's only a middle schooler, just like me, how on Earth can she not focus on the fact that someone was murdered right in front of her? Not to mention, it doesn't make sense that she could escape unscathed. The boy who died only had the power to nullify other talents. What could he do against a monster like that? Something isn't adding up!" Even if the time traveler didn't factor in that Nanao probably couldn't hold a monster off, there are still ample danger signs. The fact that he is so incredibly stupid is what makes her plan work. That's why this is poorly written. Everything magically works out in Nana's favor, because EVERYONE is stupid. That's why it's incredibly boring and lazily written. It's not a problem that children are getting tricked, it's that they act like middle schoolers are complete fucking idiots beyond human measure. I can believe them missing out on one obvious danger sign, but THEY ARE COMPLETELY FUCKING OBLIVIOUS. That's simply uncreative and lazy writing. Stories where the MC just has ridiculous levels of plot armor are boring. I can also go through the scenes with the knockoff L, where he doesn't expose her identity when he easily could, but I think I got my point across with this one. Please explain how it is entertaining to watch dogs get tricked by a normal human who cannot fabricate a decent false narrative, but gets away with it because the dogs have 0 brain cells?

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