Murabito Desu ga Nani ka?

Dec 29, 2018
That was an enjoyable guilty pleasure. Despite the fact that it had some inconsistencies with the MC's goal which ended up from initially saving others to turning into some kind of greedy man in pursuit of power after reflection, hinting him the "MC" as a potential cause of the upcoming calamity was an interesting character development.
Jun 24, 2018
Finally, they address that guy that killed him the first time. So weird that he wasn't mentioned until now.
Double-page supporter
May 4, 2018
@gooong1 well MC explained how rigid social classes are so logically that explains why he hasnt reappeared till now...
Feb 15, 2018
Well, he's another one. It's kinda refreshing that for once, the MC isn't the only one with all the cheats.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
Hoo wee, that FACE!! If what Moses (the guy who killed Ryuuto in Chapter 1) said is true, he's definitely the final boss of the manga. May even put up a good fight. Everything about him so far is just so hate-able!!
Active member
Dec 15, 2018
The childhood friend is an isekai'd isekai antagonist. His backstory is "I moved into town, killed a villiager, he isekai'd on MY ass, then rode a dragon and became second to god, now I make evil faces and pretend I'm an antagonist despite no arc, plot, reason for existing or obvious power other than sage lineage". did someone actually fucking write this or do people just decide to not storyboard their shit anymore and do play by play or some shit? I hope that's the case, cause if this is real, planned out plot... I don't even know. Honest to god if I were a publisher and someone walked into my office with this steaming heap of what the fuck, I'd give them the boot. There'll be people who like this stuff (Contrary to all known laws of reality, kinda like how bees can fly), but it doesn't make the story, or any facet of the writing, good.

If you want the full horribly insignificant and annoying ramble for god knows what reason, I posted a longer rant in ch. 23's comments. I can't be assed to write anymore and this series just drains me to read. But I won't stop until mc gets fucked. Honestly, I don't even care if the antag has omnipotence at this point or whatever, just somebody give mc a beating that matters.

I'm having more fun picking out the negatives in this series than actually reading it. Take that how you will.
Oct 16, 2018
I just fucking like it, but I guess other people want to watch the world burn while criticizing that it is not burning fast enough.
Jan 6, 2019
I feel like a lot of people are taking this story too seriously, and also not giving it the benefit of the doubt

a lot of criticisms can be simply explained if you give it more than 2 seconds of thought, of course if you don't like the isekai genre you won't like this. Obviously this is a power fantasy manga, obviously it isn't supposed to have some deep message, but its a fun manga that so far hasn't shit the bed even if the plot has been a bit blurry at times. And serious props for that, the bar is set really low with manga like this.

LIke are you guys seriously complaining that the MC is trying to be the strongest in the world? or that there are still people who can give a fight to the MC? how fucking boring would it be if there was no one who could give the MC a proper fight? You just want the MC to be some douche-nerd walking around choosing to never use his full power? The sense of progress would come to a dead halt. There have been several clues by now about incredibly powerful demons and gods running around behind the scenes.

And why should powerful people go around fucking with things? shouldn't that be a clue that the evil dragon is simply barely stronger than the other dragons? Not only has it already been established that the MC was stronger than the fucking dragon king when it came to MP, it was never established that the evil dragon was a final boss of any kind. That if the evil dragon was a world ender it wouldn't walk around being a murder hobo. Truly strong beings don't use their power for the sake of it, their power is just a means to an end and attention is a negative. Like that lucifer guy, or that girl waiting in the tower, or the girl with the teddy bear. Their motives don't need to be laid out like blueprints for you as long as their motives don't screw with the already set rules and history of the world. And I bet that in future chapters that tower girl's motives will be explained further, just as the manga has explained almost every other pressing issue such as moses, the MC's obligation to be the new dragon king, and the fact that he is messing with the future. A shitty manga would just gloss over it, a manga like this stumbles through it awkwardly at times but it doesnt fall flat like a bunch of you guys are saying.
Oct 25, 2018
Thanks for the uploading, LH. It's appreciated. Ignore these dimwitted crybabies bitching about the manga.

The story is decent enough, art is good, has cute characters and it has quite a few funny moments.
Jun 5, 2018
There's something refreshing about an MC who knows his actions could lead to the end of the world but he's still going forward.
Active member
Mar 7, 2019
Started out pretty interesting, then started gathering tropes like a gutter catches leaves. Dull.
Jun 27, 2018
It's sad that these power fantasy stories focus too much on the female sidekicks nowadays.
I can somewhat understand that having several females as a selling point for the reader is kind of beneficial, but leaving that aside, not fleshing out any male characters(sometimes not even the MC) makes the story very dull.

It also creates the need for the MC to solve everything on his own or, which is worse, to rely on his female companions powers to solve the situation.
And while one strong female character might give something to the story, having several of them just ruins everything.

This manga is a very good example of how the writers ambitions went to the trash bin after he put some energy in writing some tragic backstory for the female characters introduced.
In the end, they become more and more infatuated with the main character and rely on him, even for their own personal growth.

This is a sickening trend, they might not be his slaves, but to be honest, they are more slave-like than the female slaves in most other Isekai stories I've seen so far.

To be honest, it would've been better if they were weak forever (not the Dragon Ball level of weak, where the side characters still can defeat most enemies on their own, but the normal female level of weakness) and completely rely on the main character to flesh out his provider and protector position more.
The way it's currently going doesn't serve anyone/anything, and it's slowly spiraling downwards into worse and worse levels of quality.


Jan 18, 2018
reviewing it critically; it sucks.
but the designs and the edgy buffs i love ever so much... uhg.
Jan 28, 2018
This started out really good, but then around chap 23 it quickly went down the shitter. Hopefully it will come back in the next arc, but the current one is incomprehensible.


Jan 18, 2018
Listening to this while reading makes the entire experience infinitely better
Mar 9, 2019
This artist doesn't know how to draw women - it's all men with slightly softer faces and sometimes breasts.
Jan 6, 2019
"what a villager can do."

What, farm?
Or maybe, sell and trade?
Oh, I know, maybe live like a normal person?

Yeah.. not a lot. I mean, they can hunt. Certainly not become the strongest being in existence.
May 26, 2018
This is one of those series that starts out well but the author has absolutely no idea where to take the story and powerlevels make no sense.
It starts out with MC being utterly powerless and then goes on to topple a legendary calamity in the early chapters and then become a dragon god successor, and then 15 chapters later takes him to school where he struggles fighting random monsters, are you fucking kidding me??

A lot of the drama and romance feel very cheap as well, I usually gobble up isekai series like junkfood while not expecting much from them but this one really rubs you the wrong way. As said it feels like the author had a vision for how he wanted first arc but had no clue how to continue after that so he throws in every generic trope he can think of in order to prolong it, resulting in a completely nonsensical plotline which makes Dragonball Z look like high literature in comparison.

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