Murabito Tensei: Saikyou no Slow Life - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@GurenNoOu I don't know, that's some pretty advanced knowledge there, there are gods that don't even know that. Probably have to be a very op isekai mc to be able to use that kind of knowledge.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Didn't the MC say in chapter 1 that he shouldn't tell anyone about his barrier magic, especially a merchant? ?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
its like the author said fuck it dude just load everything in my head on this shit worry not about the details, and make sure the mc is a pussy boi
Active member
Jan 27, 2018
I can't show anyone this thing. Ill use this thing to patch a hole in a giant ship that everyone can see!

The fuck?
Jan 21, 2018
Personally, I would have reduced the material in the overall hull to compensate for the missing gap. The hull would almost certainly more fragile, but way more serviceable. Mind you, that's assuming that we can't even get an external source of metal. Metal refining seems like and easy job for him to do.

tl;dr magic is bullshit and he's using it wrong
Jan 28, 2018
So they have the technology to make a modern-era cargo ship, but don't have refrigeration to store food on said ship...

Edit: This is probably the worst isekai I've ever read. Many other isekai are also bad, but there's literally nothing about this one that isn't either a fusion of generic tropes or self-contradicting. It could almost be a parody, only the author is trying to make it a serious story.
Oct 28, 2018
Can we just talk about how bad dialogue is for the isekai genre? They treat their audience like we're idiots. We can infer who a character is by how they're presented, we don't need to it spelled out for us. Show us who they are through interactions and settings. We don't need the MC to say "Oh, So-And-So-chan, my childhood friend!" or "So-and-So-san, the Adventurers Guild receptionist. What are you doing here?" Someone really needs to teach mangakas the 'Show, don't tell' rule of writing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
If the port is large enough for a modern cargo ship (why is it shaped like a cruise ship?) why the hell isn't this village a major trade hub? Why would the president of a major merchant guild happen to be on the ship instead of an office in a major city? If goblins are becoming a problem all the way in town then wouldn't he be the first to know living in the mountains? Why did they stalk his little brother? It makes it seem like they're threatening him into quartering them like British soldiers in the colonies. If the genders were reversed this would turn real dark.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The hell is this shit? This is the worst isekai series I ever tried to read. I'm outta here, even if I need to let the door hit me on my way out.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
Leader of "light of the darkest knight"

So the green lantern cops arrived
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 26, 2018
...Just put this series out of its misery before it spreads its cancer to us.

I've seen so much bad stuff, but this has got to be one of the worst. Not THE worst, but one of the worst. Shit, how many plot holes and illogical things are the author going to add? It has been TWO chapters but I feel like the author has been yelling "retarded readers won't notice this" at least a a hundred time already while writing this. It's a big f*ck you to everyone, he's insulting our intelligence. Either he thinks that the readers are all monkeys or he himself is a monkey and can't do any better.

I mean, even if we somehow ignored just how bad the story and dialogue is and how I wouldn't even wipe my ass with it if it was printed on paper because it would taint my shit-stained crack even further, just the art alone is enough for me to cringe. This is supposed to be a seinen manga, right? What's up with the fusion of low-level art(looks ridiculously stiff and dead) and shoujo/shounen mixed style art?? Look at those eyes. Holy shit. Just that alone won't let me that it seriously even if the story wasn't so ridiculously horrible.

Someone should stop this author from ever writing a manga again.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
That ships looks way more modern than the rest of their world.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
Y'know japan, just cause you saw a documentary about ships once while drinking' some beer doesn't mean you will remember it perfectly over a decade later and then become proficient enough to perfectly repair a ship. . .
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Seems MC is dense on the fact that she is hinting wants to spend time alone with him or that a guy and gal shopping together is something couples do. Will probably take a confession to get the point in between MC denseness and having the mind of a forty year old in a 17 year old body. Wonder if he's been making passes at the forty year old women here and there?
Alitera seems more than a little shy considering she's the only one who didn't remove her hood. Think she might be a childhood friend or someone who left the village to find their fortune a while ago and embarrassed? Would explain why she knew his full name when his family calls him Bie not to mention if Touta had been the one to tell them about Bie and the bath he'd have led them rather than being tailed by them. Also, hard to tell but I think she might be the elf on the cover although don't think any of the others from the party were there.

@Ironclad Just because a port is big enough for ships doesn't mean ships go there often. For example, if there are no unique local products to trade or major cities nearby most merchants aren't going to be interested in coming by, especially if it's at the edge of known territory or middle of nowhere. Also, farmers usually don't have a lot of money after buying food for their family and animals, tools for work, and materials for house/barn/fence repairs. So Mithril or Oricalcum weapons and armor are way out of their price range and likely wouldn't have anyone around who would use them much assuming they know how to. Furthermore, it takes a lot of time, like weeks or months, going from port to far off ports so any goods would need a long shelf life, be able to endure all the moisture in the air created by that much water, food and pay for crew, and repairs or replacement parts for any damage on ship due to everyday wear and tear or storms or hostile sea life. Granted can use magic to create wind, make or use magic stones as fuel, etc. but for a ship that big it's likely to be expensive along with the high rates of any magicians used to cast magic and any mana potions or equivalent used to recharge them. So unless a merchant knows he can sell everything and make a good profit over production and shipping costs while purchasing goods to fund the trip back he's unlikely to go to a far village port unless he's sure to make a profit.

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