@calake If dungeons appear in around the world and monsters pour out and kill hundreds of thousands of people and awakened people appear fight back,
that's literally an apocalypse scenario. There's even a side mention of 2020 being the tenth year of a world war, for the survival of humanity, that they obviously won for the dungeons and hunters to become the new normal of their society.
SAO is the one with incest, not this.
@BallsHoles The main plot of
both can summed upped as "MC gets traps in death game in a VR world."
so I stand by my comparison.
@JustNatsuki Nah fam, batteries are not of most concern, #1 and #2 are of most concern. As sitting in your own piss and having a pants full of shit cause you've been in VR long your bowels have let go in not a good scene.
It's just a manga guys, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it my way. Which is reading trash an then picking apart all the nonsense in it Mystery Science Theater 3000 style.