Music Tournament 5: Rules, Format, and Discussion.

Will your participate?

  • Total voters
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Greetings, my fellow MangaDex citizens!

I am pleased to announce the fifth music tournament of MangaDex! After 1.5 years, we finally have our 5th tournament!

This time, the theme is: Anime Ending Music. So, any song or track that plays at the end of an episode.

First, let's start with the rules and format:


How many songs can one person submit?
- Each participant will submit a maximum of 4 6 songs

How many people can participate?
- There is no limit to how many people can participate.

What language does the song have to be in?
- There is no restriction on which language the song is in. It must be an official song, and not a fan cover. For example, if you choose the Spanish version of an ending song in Dragon Ball, as long as it was sung by one of the actual voice actors of the anime, it's qualified. If you still have any doubt, show me the song, and I'll decide if it's qualified or not.

Does it have to be a full version or the short version used in the anime?
- Either way is fine. I recommend the full version, though.

Can it be a song used in a movie or OVA?
- Yes.

Can it be from a non-Japanese cartoon?
- Yes. As long as it's an animated form of media, it doesn't matter which country produced it.

Can we use the songs that were used in the 3.5 Music Tournament?
- Yes. That tournament wasn't hosted by me.

Who cannot participate?
- Anyone who is blocked in my shit list will not have their submissions accepted because I can't see them anyway. If I don't reply or react to your post, you should know. I don't know if I can see their vote or not. They can vote, but if I don't see it, it won't be counted.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask.


So, with no limit of participants, and a limit of 4 submissions for each, how does this work?

We will have a total of 8 groups. The submissions will be divided into those 8 groups. Let's say we have 84 submissions in total. 84 for 8 groups; so each group will have 10 songs, but 4 groups will have one extra song => 11. I don't think having one extra song will cause much of an issue with fair play. I do not want to have more than 8 groups. Why? To not overflow the forum with my threads, and to keep the competition at a certain scale. This limit will prevents the tournament from dragging on for too long.

8 threads will be created, one for each group. Each thread will have a poll for the submitted songs. Members will vote for the best songs to advance to the next round.

Round 1:
- Submissions divided into 8 groups. Voters choose 4 of the best songs in each group. 4 songs with the highest number of votes will advance to round 2. In case we have two or more songs with the same number of votes, a Mangadex staff member, who is not one of the submitters, will be asked to cast the tie-breaker. This round will last for 60 days. At the end of this round, we will be left with 32 submissions.

An issue with the previous tournaments is that there was a time limit for each set of matches. Some people did not want to check in to vote everyday. Some matches had only a handful of people voting, and many did not bother voting at all. It was also difficult and time consuming for the host to have to count the votes one by one, making it even more stressful to host what was supposed to be a fun event. With this tournament's format, voters will have plenty of time to enjoy the songs, decide their vote, and see which songs are advancing.

Round 2:
- 32 submissions will be divided into only 4 groups this time, 8 in each. Best 4 advance. This round lasts 30 days.

Round 3:
- 16 submissions will be divided into only 2 groups this time, 8 in each. Best 4 advance. This round lasts 21 days.

Round 4:
- The final 8 submissions will be put into one group. Voters will vote to decide the top 4, which are the best songs in the tournament. This round lasts 14 days.

Prize for the winners: MangaDex creds.

So, we will have a total of 15 threads created for just this tournament alone. Mods, I hope this won't be a problem.

I understand that recent events that occurred this month have been very depressing for some of our members. I hope this tournament can help us be entertained and relieve some of our stress, even if just a little.

For now, feel free to discuss the rules and format. If you are interested in participating, please say so. Submission thread will be created next week. Do not submit anything here.
Have some snacks while you discuss.


Last edited:
Mar 6, 2019
  • One problem that could arise even during the selection process is the fact of songs taken down from platforms (in case we use more than Youtube) making it difficult for all voters to listen those songs, is there an option to send in a Drive or whatever with the endings so they can be watched at any time? There's also the region lock matter when choosing sources.
  • Since this is a Music tournament I assume the visual media will be irrelevant, is that the case here? Also related to the convenience of being able to send tracks in better quality and providing unavailable content due any reason in streaming services.
  • How many votes per person and round in each group? In case you can vote multiple times per group, do all count the same or have different values? (For instance, Eurovision).
  • Will the lyrics be considered in the personal evaluations or merely for how it sounds? Of course some people don't care about the meaning, when it comes to me I can judge with and without but I want to know in advance.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2018
I'll just submit what I've submit before ig
also get some Kecap Manis and pour/dip them Chips on it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
thanks, i'm looking forward to this. rallying my 12 alts as we speak so i can get 48 submissions in
Who cannot participate?
- Anyone who is blocked in my shit list will not have their submissions accepted because I can't see them anyway. If I don't reply or react to your post, you should know. I don't know if I can see their vote or not. They can vote, but if I don't see it, it won't be counted.
so you're barring entry to users you personally dislike or have disagreements with? can we get a list of these users so we know to ignore any of their submissions? like if a user you've blocked submits a song you don't see, other participants who do see that message may assume that the song has been submitted, when it was actually ignored. that could result in actual participants not submitting the song unseen by you when they otherwise would've.

honestly though conflating participation with personal grievances is just unfair on its face. it's not like anyone but you has the final say on it, but it's still an inconsistent and arbitrary standard. why not just unblock them for the duration of the tournament and block them again afterwards if you still can't stomach reading what they type?
Apr 30, 2018
If people are on the shit list, how would they know their submissions aren't going to be counted? Will they just have to wait until they don't see their entries in round one ?

Edit: never mind. I reread the explanation..
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Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
can I bring my own snacks?
Sure. But you have to share. Comrade.

  • One problem that could arise even during the selection process is the fact of songs taken down from platforms (in case we use more than Youtube) making it difficult for all voters to listen those songs, is there an option to send in a Drive or whatever with the endings so they can be watched at any time? There's also the region lock matter when choosing sources.
It's not a likely situation. If a song you want to submit is region locked elsewhere, you most likely wouldn't know. It's up to the voters, who live in the country where the song is locked, to inform either me or the submitter to provide an alternative link to the song. You can upload the song to you drive and provide the download link, too. If you still have trouble, inform me, and we'll figure something out.

  • Since this is a Music tournament I assume the visual media will be irrelevant, is that the case here? Also related to the convenience of being able to send tracks in better quality and providing unavailable content due any reason in streaming services.
Visual media is irrelevant. The full song most likely won't have any visual support. It's up to you, the submitter, to find the link with the best quality of the song. But then again, many of those songs are officially posted on Youtube nowadays.

  • How many votes per person and round in each group? In case you can vote multiple times per group, do all count the same or have different values? (For instance, Eurovision).
So each group, vote for the best 4 songs => 4 votes per person. You are free to change your vote until the deadline. All votes count the same. Songs with highest number of votes => winners of the group.

  • Will the lyrics be considered in the personal evaluations or merely for how it sounds? Of course some people don't care about the meaning, when it comes to me I can judge with and without but I want to know in advance.
That's up to the voters themselves to decide.

so you're barring entry to users you personally dislike or have disagreements with? can we get a list of these users so we know to ignore any of their submissions? like if a user you've blocked submits a song you don't see, other participants who do see that message may assume that the song has been submitted, when it was actually ignored. that could result in actual participants not submitting the song unseen by you when they otherwise would've.

honestly though conflating participation with personal grievances is just unfair on its face. it's not like anyone but you has the final say on it, but it's still an inconsistent and arbitrary standard. why not just unblock them for the duration of the tournament and block them again afterwards if you still can't stomach reading what they type?

It takes a little more effort than just having mild disagreements with me for someone to end up in my shit list. Unfair to them? These are the ones who wouldn't hesitate to make someone else's life a living hell to satisfy their ego. I don't feel a wee bit of sympathy for them. Fuck around and find out, then reap the consequences, I say. No, I am not going to unblock dozens of asshats just because of the low possibility than one of them might care to join the tournament. No need to name them, either. I'll have a list of people who are participating, and their submissions. You can check the list before posting. Or just submit whatever songs you want, and if one has already been posted by someone else, I'll let you know.

am I on the shit list? :worry:
You're now on the list of registered participants.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
I'm tempted to pick the Lion King ending credits with Elton John, but I don't think anyone would vote for it.
Eh, you never know. Remember how we've had many songs advancing to the later rounds even when some of us didn't think they would? Upsets happen, and they happen very often in the previous tournaments.

It's seems complicated so I just watch and listen
Basically: submit 4 songs you think are great, then vote for the ones you like most.

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