Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 5 Ch. 42 - Quiet Offense, Quiet Defense

May 25, 2018
@starlightcitypro dont use words u dont know the meaning.
"Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children."
Group Leader
Apr 4, 2018
was this Google translated...?
thought i read a comment somewhere that this uploader specifically said they can't read kanji... and yet, this manga has only kanji and kana, no furigana. then that would explain the awkward parts. :thonk:

please use another font, this font is too script-like for regular dialogue. ccwildwords is what the other group is using and it does the job. ask for a proofread or run this through a grammar checker too.
Group Leader
May 3, 2020
@momojojo yes, i used what resources i'm used to using. google translate, nihongodict, whatever understanding i can muster up. i initially borked the title, and it seems i've misunderstood the context a bit in the last panels. that's why i said "i did my best." i have more skills using graphics editing than understanding Japanese, yet.

as for the font, well, yeah, it's not the usual, i was just trying to find an easy to read one that seemed to fit, but...
Group Leader
May 3, 2020
@starlightcitypro as far as the law is concerned, the moment there is something sexual happening between an adult and a minor and/or a minor under the age of consent, the general idea is simplified as pedophilia, but as far as psychiatric phenomenon go, being attracted to late teenagers/young adults vs being attracted to prepubescent children, there's a distinction.

also, i don't know where this manga is going, but i do see a good margin between having a platonic relationship, i.e. no sex, versus if they go all out sexual. that's why for now, i don't feel much resentment towards Kousuke, and none towards the girl.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@starlightcitypro And that sounds like the talk of an absolutist struggling against unsolvable contradictions.

Puberty ends at around age 15-17. After that point, the question of adulthood is a question of societal convention.
In the modern day, one could easily argue that people under 25 should be considered minors. After all, such people are often put into colleges to delay their economic independence. The tendency in the western world since the Victorian era has been to extend childhood, from 13 to 18 as it is today. So perhaps it should be extended further.
Nov 22, 2018
looks like people here don't know why sniping is looked down.
yes, competition is usually good thing but there's no rewards in this case (except for nonexistent ads and patreon donations).
the "winner" doesn't have any obligation to continue their work so they can quit literally 1 or 2 chapter after the other decided to quit which potentially throw a series to eternal limbo. there's also almost no benefit to have 2 translator if the previous translator is already decent.
if you continue doing this for, let's say, 3 months i doubt anyone would complain about sniping (bears is also sniping in the first place, i don't know why no one complained in their early releases though)
that's said the translation itself is pretty good. i think bear's make more sense for the last 2 pages but other than that i can't see any difference (i am not the one to judge though).
for the typeset, it's not really bad but there's a guide for typesetting here (can't give you the link right now but just typing "typeset" on the search bar would do) hope it can help you to improve the typeset :)
Double-page supporter
Apr 9, 2018
@princess_daphie I don't feel any animosity towards the girl. She is a child, and a vulnerable one at that who is at the whim of a shitty parent. I feel bad for her because she is clearly suffering.

I don’t like MC because if he cared about her he would protect her and not entertain her advances. He is an adult and he is not behaving like a responsible one. How would he feel if some guy his age was running around with his daughter? Pretty angry I bet.

It's one thing if he offered her emotional support as a father figure. I wouldn't have a problem with that. But he hasn't.
Double-page supporter
Apr 9, 2018
@kuroageha sounds like i touched a nerve. It's so weird how some guys on here get flustered when the MC gets called a pedo. Keep telling on yourselves though
Group Leader
May 3, 2020
@starlightcitypro well i can only agree to disagree 🙃 all i know and understand and feel is that these kinds of stories are complicated, and the emotions involved are complicated, and the family situation of Koto is complicated, and as an outsider, Kousuke can't help her out with this, because it's also a problem to care for her that way, there is no way out.
Group Leader
Oct 19, 2018
Great...I saw two updates and thought it was two new chapters for a second...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Font was fine. The difference at the end between the two translations was amusing though. That's the one thing where it might be good to check Bear's, but in the end, it wasn't all that different, I thought.
Group Leader
May 3, 2020
Once again thank you all who gave me good or less good but constructive comments! The font thing, I bent backwards and just decided to use Wild Words since it's like in 90% of the translations anyways. I just hadn't researched much for this first try. WW does look damn good, our minds are conditioned to expect that font, lol 😂

So... uhhmm... I've just finished translating chapter 43, lol, but I'm once again in a moral dilemma. Do I upload it, or not... I *think* I did a better job with the translation, found some more tools, used a proper font, translated the sound effects. Aaargh, I don't know!
Active member
Apr 19, 2020
@ninjajeff *he still definitely is not a pedophile
theres room for debate about this but it shouldn't be here and like you said every some countries interprets the age of consent differently. Anyways wasn't calling out the MC as a pedo, just the logic of of the one poster to come to the conclusion to dismiss it.

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