Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 5 Ch. 43 - Fish

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
eh, we already had mangasushi and bear scans double uploading since forever.
Now we got a new person and i doubt bear scans dropped this....
Lots of mangas out there that require TLs Etc.
Your efforts would be better rewarded there, instead of competing with competent scanlators that have been uploading the series since half a year ago.
Jan 26, 2018
Why tell him to stop? Let people translate what they want to translate.

"B-but you're wasting time and effort that could have gone to another series!"

If a series is interesting enough people will naturally gravitate towards it and eventually a translator will be found. If you can't find a translator maybe the series wasn't good to begin with.

"But what if the main scan group drops it?"

We're not dropping it. I just didn't want to release 43 because 44 is shaping up to be an interconnected chapter. I'm waiting for the raws of 44 to see if there's any kind of thematic link between the two that needs to be accounted for when selecting phrasing. If you can't wait, that's what speedscans like these are for.

For the record, we only have problems with scanlation groups that use mtl and groups that have the gall to beg for money. If you don't fall into either of those categories, we couldn't care less what you choose to release since we certainly don't own this manga (or any other manga we've worked on. But you can't use our bears.)
May 31, 2020
I think people that are "critiquing" the characters in this story (especially the dad) are making to many blanket statements. Im gonna go out on a limb and say that the father isn't a pedophile. Reason being? Because as much as he doesn't want to admit it, he emotionally never saw her as a child. Let alone the fact that he doesn't show any pedophilia related actions towards other children before and after meeting her. But "sHes A CHILd" so he must be a pedophile. Well from an outsiders point of view of course, but as I said before he never emotionally saw her as a child, and as such has become someone special to him. But again thats really the argument here. Now let me make my argument more clear here.

The dad in the beginning of the story is already physically and mentally drained (from work). He then gets the notice of his daughters inactivity in school. He's also grieving (albeit not shown) the loss of his wife. We know how his work life is and how mistreated he is. He then comes home to a daughter that wont even talk let alone look at him. Yet he shoulders all these negative emotions and goes to a workplace where he isnt treated fairly, and continues to care for a daughter that does not do the same ( and I must say he genuinely cares for her well being). Seems horrible right?

Emotionally he has become very weak and not weak in a bad way. Weak as in the slightest show of genuine gratitude towards him is worth 100x more. Im gonna give a purely anecdotal example here. For my whole I wanted to be a chef, I loved cooking (still do). And yet despite how much I loved it, my parents would always disregard it and say that i'll grow up to be an engineer, and that they wont pay for culinary college and the sort. Every time I brought up being a chef my dad would always yell at me and say things like im not his son or that I should move out. Whereas my mom, a soft spoken lady would just say "its your life do whatever" which hurts a lot more because she can at least muster up the courage to tell me no. And to be frank in the last few years it would always end up with me crying and for reason I know not, because after years I thought I was used to it. Then one day after an argument about it, my older brother walks past me and says " Dont worry Chris i'll always support you". Whilst he walks away I just burst out crying because I realized that throughout all these years of being told no, all I wanted was for someone to genuinely go up to me and say that they support me, no matter who they were. I later came to realize that despite how much I despise my father, he was still my father and that I wanted his support.

So for me I empathize with the dad becomes when your emotional state is beat down to such a state, the slightest show of gratitude means alot more. So when he meets someone that not only appreciates but understands him he gets caught in this wave of emotions that hes not sure how to handle. And as such he perceives that person as special. He didnt say " Oh shes cute and shes only 16 (?), so now im gonna give her anal", he said "Shes only 16 and yet she understand and treats me so well. I cant do anything with her but maybe i'll wait 2 years". People saying that hes grooming her are utterly ridiculous because it has been shown multiple times where hes hesitant towards her and at one time cut her off. He understands the legal issues. But but but the last few chapter has him being sexual with her. Well no shit because his emotional well being was just completely shat on to the max.

He gets called selfish from his daughter despite the fact that 1: he presented an explanation for his decision and 2: He didnt fully come to the decisions and asked for her daughters decision on the matter of moving. So her calling him selfish makes no sense, because he asked her for her opinion. She then runs away which imo shocks him only second to the death of his wife. Would you not be emotional mess if your daughter ran away? So who does he eventually turn to? Its simple the only girl who understands him. People may call him a pedophile, and from and outsiders pov that very well is the case. But when considering his motives and emotions, he doesn't see her as a sexual object and never has, but instead he sees her as a type of emotional comfort. Simply put he loves her not because shes 16 but because she was able fill that emotional void in his heart. She just happened to be 16. Her age was never a deciding factor. and the story makes this clear because as I said before, he is always hesitant because of her age.

So yea from an outsiders point of view he is a pedophile, but when you take into consideration every piece of context you realize that its less about a sexual relationship, but about an emotional one. So for that I dont see him as a pedophile.

This is gonna be quick but the daughter is 100% at fault and if anything she is the selfish one. She never takes into consideration how her dad feels, and in those small times that she does its always ruined by her immaturity. She assumes that shes the only one grieving her mothers death (which is completely outrages). I dont give a fuck that shes a child because at the end of the day shes still a teen that should have a modicum of common sense. Yet she acts as if she was 5 years old. Its her fault for not trying to understand her dads position when it came to family and work and when looking deeper into the story, thats the main issue. had she accepted the fact that society isnt sunshine and rainbows, and that her dad had to go to work instead of seeing his dying wife (of which he also grieved). Than her father wouldn't be in this emotional mess. He would of had someone to go home to but instead he ended up with an ungrateful daughter that is willfully ignorant just so that she could justify her disdain. And the sad part is that you see how happy he is when she decided to go back to school. She is young and I do understand how she felt and it is justified, but the lengths at which she did it is unjustified.
Jan 12, 2019
I certainly don't intend to drop this work though!
That's good to hear! Thanks for the translation regardless. Just sniping never usually ends well in the situations i've seen. The snipers end up just dropping it after sniping it. But if you don't plan to drop it, go for it I look forward to the next chapters!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
Holy shit man. Really thoughtful and brilliant comment. People calling him a pedophile are just trying to apply tbeir limited worldview. Should put your comment on every chapter.

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