Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 7 Ch. 54 - Unforgivable

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
all the defense about Miya is the same thing the teachers where saying to Kousuke at the start of the series, you're a bad parent 'cause you can help your daughter, you're the adult you can do shit if you don't do something about your daughter... the same one that didn't listened to him at all.

@kowoyoshi is right, if not for Koto appeareance at that time, the guy would have cracked at the pressure and killed himself. Miya is a teenager, we get it, but the dad is a human ffs, you all are pretty much saying f*ck him for being at his worst moment in life and to suck it up.
and once again one thing is understanding that the guy needed a shoulder at the time, and another is being on with the pedo shit that is going to get him on jail.
Jul 25, 2018
@starch12313 the second he started to any sort of dependency or attraction to Koto, he should have gone straight to a therapist, all throughout the manga, he has recognized that what he is doing is completly wrong and will fuck up his life, but he wasnt able to stop, and I'm sorry, but thats no ones fault but his own. He has a fully developed brain, he knows there are better ways
May 31, 2020

Again, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here but Miya is a child. Yes, her emotions are way unstable and she's not being fair to the letter of the law. But I expect that from children.

No you expect your child to ignore you for a day. What you dont expect is for them to ignore you for a year.

No, Miya was not fair to Kousuke. The sad fact of the matter is, is Kousuke fumbled right when things were making a turn for the better, and sadly it really was Koto's fault for pushing him so hard when he was vulnerable. But that doesn't change the fact that Kousuke made a bad choice.

I love this passive deflection. Like sure kousuke fucked up, but maya fucked up infinitely better. Its not like because kousuke fucked up therefore hes equally at fault. Like no his fuck up was in part due to mayas gigantic fuck up.

I don't know what the average age of everyone in this discussion are but I definitely have experience raising mourning teenagers far before I felt I was ready for it. I had to be my little sister's parent when our mom died. I took her in when she was just about to turn 13 and I was 24. I feel a lot of sympathy for Kousuke, a lot more than people probably think I give him credit for. I had to deal with a lot of the things he did. I lost my mom too, you know. I was a real mama's boy through and through. She was my friend on top of being my parent. The one person I felt I could truly say anything to and get an honest discussion from. My sister was very apathetic when she died, clearly processing a lot of harsh things a child should never have to process, and she didn't cut me out completely the way she did Kousuke, but it was still often hurtful. That doesn't mean I didn't get my fair share of neglect, or irrational behavior from her. I had to drop out of college, crushing a lot of my dreams in the process, messed up my relationships, had to take shit jobs and work myself to the bone to make sure losing our mom didn't ruin her life. See, I took on that responsibility as someone who could have just walked away, or half-assed it. Kousuke didn't have the chance to turn down that responsibility after he had her. That was his responsibility and his alone. He gave birth to that little girl, and he had a responsibility to see her to adulthood at least.

I mean your story to the degree isnt the same as kousuke so I find this to be irrelevant. You even note that your sister did not cut you off, such as how maya did. Which alone makes both stories completely different, so trying to compare the two is rather idiotic. You also talk about responsibility as if it means anything. Kousuke has been responsible for Maya, we're shown nothing that he has been neglectful towards her. Im sure your raised your sister well and props to you, but both experiences between you and kousuke are widely different.

So while I feel bad for Kousuke and how things went, I have a lot of resentment for the way Kousuke is choosing to handle things.

Which again makes really no sense since hes broken, and is acting as such.
Jul 25, 2018
@starch12313 you say "he's broken" like if it justifies every bad thing that he does, and I honestly cannot comprehend how you think that locking yourself up in your room is infinitly worst that being in a super shady relationship with a minor
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 18, 2018
@seth90 im not saying he's right, but people around him is also at fault here (her daughter). yet she kept blaming him which doesn't make it any better, the only one who I think a good person in this series is the police, they're objective and not in the least blame him out of the blue
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
Urgh this is becoming enraging to read.

He's trash dad for me now
Picking some other girl and leaving his daughter emotionally / psychologically distraught like that.
May 31, 2020
the second he started to any sort of dependency or attraction to Koto, he should have gone straight to a therapist, all throughout the manga, he has recognized that what he is doing is completly wrong and will fuck up his life, but he wasnt able to stop, and I'm sorry, but thats no ones fault but his own.

Damn its almost as if the manga makes a note that a broken man will seek comfort where comfort is given. Sure if he was in his right man he would have done what you said, but he isnt in his right mind. Hes broken, and because hes broken hes seeking comfort from koto despite it being wrong. I just think its funny to expect someone whose clearly mentally distraught to act "correctly".

He has a fully developed brain, he knows there are better ways

Which again is irrelevant because hes again broken.
Feb 4, 2018
It's bad, but i couldn't stop laughting.

Because i'm glad Miya get a reality taste.
She left her father alone for a year, run away from home, etc.... and now she want to play family ?
Ofc he would find someone else in this time period, or else he would already be dead.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
@starch12313 I editing out my story because honestly I felt it was TMI after writing it, but since you quoted it I'll elaborate on what I meant. She didn't cut me off the exact way Miya cut off Kousuke but that doesn't mean she didn't cut me off in any sense of the word. She didn't literally lock herself in a room to the point I never saw her face, but she was effectively an emotional void around me for a long time, when I really wish I'd had her most. I would say, given the situation when I really wanted someone to relate with, and when I felt like I'd given up everything, it's damn heartbreaking to feel like nothing you do helps. The situation is not a literal one-to-one pairing (I'd hope I'm not dating children) but the point I was trying to make is I understand that strong desire for emotional contact or affirmation that I'm doing okay that Kousuke was clearly seeking when going through an intense emotional trauma and being unable to get it. Kousuke got it from Koto which took him down dangertown, where in my case, after a lot of effort, I was able to get my sister to open back up to me. Had Kousuke persisted a little longer, he would have been able to get things back together with his daughter. He was right on the cusp.
May 31, 2020

you say "he's broken" like if it justifies every bad thing that he does

I mean define justify. Within his mental state his actions are justifiable, but from a mental state that isnt broken it wouldnt be. Im less justifying his actions, and more so am tryng to understand it and think if its reasonable which it is. I think your failure in trying to understand him as a character, and look at things from his perspective and without bias, is the reason why you think im trying to justify his actions.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 21, 2019
Dayum. So much happened in one chapter!

Wow the comments are blowing up.
May 31, 2020

Oh of course. I was simply pointing out that the degrees between both experiences are so widely different that they shouldn't be compared, or at least compared relatively.
Group Leader
Jul 28, 2019
I have a love, hate relationship with the comments section of this story and oddly it's one of the few mangas I care enough to express my views or part of them...haha right, for every me there's another hundred more opinionated arm chair experts offering a way out of this mess. That's not the point of this story.

Many of the comments have sound foundation and analytical opinion offering a clear moral high ground but equally many also go too far and end up as a rant or worse still drivel.

There are plenty of train wreck moments in the previous chapters but this chapter to me felt the most raw.

The brightest of white sunlight on Kousuke's face and forearms reflecting his resolve to go save Koto, and of the shadows perhaps highlighting the painful realisation of a potentially irreversible severance with Miya. Yet not a single cicada SFX to soften the anguish for us readers. Great stuff.

Can't wait for the next chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
This is bullshit and irresponsible. The #1 reaction when a teenager is doing something reckless is always:
1) Call the police
2) Call their parents

"Only I can understand her" can wait until she is secured. He alone cannot help Koto and she may not even listen to him.

The irony is that Koto's mom might manage to catch her first, seeing how she's about to blow up in that police officer's face and manage to do #1. With Miya's tip they might manage to find Koto before she reach the destination. There're lots of security cams at Japan's railways stations.

If i really want to overdramatize things I'll have Kousuke "rescuing" Koto as she's secured by the police and really get himself in deep shit.

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