Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 7 Ch. 62 - Stealing the moon

Aggregator gang
May 15, 2020
The last ten chapters were super underwhelming lol. But the manga was fine I guess

Thanks for translating!
Active member
Oct 7, 2019
Overall a good end.

Would prefer some wrapping up with the daughter and the mother, but I guess it is what it is.
Mar 8, 2019
This ruined Christmas. Even referencing an actually good romantic scene from a classic Christmas movie.
"I'm not a kid anymore" no you're not.. you haven't been a kid for a few decades. You're actually an old man!

Yall can enjoy this stuff, but if you ever have kids stay away from their friends.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Less closure than expected. It really does feel like an axe.
May 31, 2020
I mean the more I think about the ending the more I like it. It not only fits very well to the over all tone of the story, but it makes sense. Now granted I understand why people are feeling negative towards it. Despite upholding a more realistic, and serious take its still a manga. So people may be hoping that the ending will be a bit more detached to allow for a more rewarding conclusion. Now to get back on topic I think the conclusion fits very well with the over all complexity of conflict that both of them had. Koto is allowed a good ending, because her conflict despite how serious it was was centered solely around her. It really wasn't about her mom, now granted her mom was used as the vehicle to further her despair, but her inner conflict was about her struggling to stand up for herself. Once that was resolved she was relatively fine. Sure its serious situation, and in no way do I wanna discount it, but when compared to Kousuke its not as complex.

The conflict that Kousuke faces is more complex, simply because of the fact that the conclusion isn't visible. I mean the manga as a whole is proof of this. He gains the affection of Koto, but he loses the affection of Miya. Although some of us wanna talk about how ungrateful Miya is, and how she is undeserving of love. She is still his daughter, someone that he loves. So for Kousuke the conflict has evolved. Now granted the type has stayed the same, but the reason behind it is so much greater. Hes in a conflict of trying to get Miya back. I still think that Miya is the only person that will allow for Kousuke to really heal. Sure he loves Koto, and at a time has chosen her over Miya, but shes family.

So I think the author made a good decision by only allowing Koto to resolve her conflict, whereas Kousuke has to face a seemingly adult issue.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 15, 2018

really surprised you guys didnt upload the final ch. would have liked a heart warming piece from you guys. oh well

anways. i read on other TL chs that it has an epilogue? when?

its a nice ending. my stupid self wanted a time skip of marriage and kids. foolish and naive i guess

iill miss this series. it was quite a ride with you all

merry Christmas and a Happy New year
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2020
And here I thought all those bitches meet cruel faith in the end ... weak author-san damn weakling.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 28, 2019
Feels weird without any clear resolution to their romance. At least they look happy in the end. Really hope the author makes an afterstory of the future where Koto is grown up (legal) and married with Kousuke, living together with just the two of them because Miya grew up, moved out, and learned to come to terms with their relationship.

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