there seems to be a bit of good confusion regarding Kirei cake and this "competition" that should be clarified;
- Chapters are not being stock piled, its strange, weird, and no benefits to any side involved as some are want to assume
- December has been a tough time for getting enough staff to keep up with scans needed to be done understandably and is only temp issue till things back into full swing.
so please some patience and respect to the hard work everyone is putting in to make sure all chapters are up to the quality you expect
- there are about 2 dozen series being worked on by staff total with a fluent Japanese translator who does them all. she gets through them generally as fast as she manages to get the raws when she has the time
- Hero dude is clearly not translating this as a hobby project, something to do in spare time or for quality. this has been shown by skipping chapters merely to stay ahead of his competition.
he has stated in his bio he is looking for an actual jpn translator to work with him so I had offered he comes to the scans and take the translations completed. they are usually done right away but tend to be stuck in the pipeline waiting to be typesetted. In doing so all parties and readers would be happier with the quality and speed but was ignored. Dudes clearly not doing this for anyones benefits but merely to start a fight even when a compromise was offered