Ponta: "I want you gone, but not like this. I'll make you disappear in my own way!"
But yeah, like some have already said: until your kid isn't a dickhead to dogs, don't leave them alone with the dog. If your kid already knows that you shouldn't touch anyone in the eyes or stick a finger in their nose or hit them, then they can be left alone with a dog, as long as your dog doesn't hate babies.
I have a small niece and when she was that age, she didn't know how to interact with dogs, so instead of petting them, she would slap them (lack of strength control, I guess) and that made her aunt's dog not like her. If my niece went near that dog, the dog would growl at her and that happened enough times that, for my niece, dogs don't bark, they growl
Nothing ever happened, because she was always supervised and now as a 2-year-old, she kinda knows how to pet a dog and is earning that dog's trust back slowly. I say kinda, because she softly and slowly puts her hand on the dog (usually on the back) and then moves her hand. Kinda like in the way you would do when cleaning with a rag
I think that as long as a baby understand that you shouldn't put a finger in anyone's eyes nor in anyone's nose, the dog is super chill and also at least medium-sized, then they can be left alone with a child. A baby doesn't have enough strength to hurt a medium-sized dog, unless they go for the eyes, nose, oh, or ears, or private parts. As long as they don't go for those, a chill dog will keep being chill.