My Fiancé is in Love with My Little Sister - Vol. 1 Ch. 4.2

Jan 23, 2019
everytime I read this manga, I get depressed lmao. I tried to read the novel before but it was also depressing lmao. Not for the faint-hearted.
Oct 27, 2019
Feb 12, 2020

Thank you so much 😭😭😭
at least I know that his husband and her lil sis know their mistake.
her family is indeed trash!!
Sep 28, 2020
Heyo, fuck Soleil. Like, I get why he disliked FL lead in Life 1, but he has no reason to blame FL in Life 2. She tried her hardest to be the good wife this time, and yet gets fuckall? The hell? (The poor child too! With that kind of obsessive “father”, the whole situation reeks of potential neglect.)

I believe it was Soleil who seduced the sister, not the other way around. He was the one to fall in love first, I think, despite already having a fiance. He’s trash, he doesn’t even deserve the sister. Ouo

Alright, Life 3 here we go. Please, a good life this time! (Though i feel like that might not be the case...;;n;; )
Jan 25, 2018
Should have went for the knight the moment she came back, I can't root for this mc and her obsession with the dickhead
Nov 4, 2020
@kyara idk who said this it was in some past comments in previous chapters
[every time she goes back her feelings of love return and they are intense as they were from the start, I think bc of this it’s hard for her to move on or not get hurt or love him less or none at all.]
Nov 4, 2020
At some point I gotta ask myself, do I want to suffer? Do I want to cry today? Do I want depression? Man this is some dark shit
May 4, 2020
For those who are asking for novel spoilers, read at your own risk:

Life 1: She loves Soleil and plays the stereotypical "villainess" by separating the two, chastising her sister in public, etc. She is wrongfully condemned to death by Soleil for plotting her sister's death.
Life 2: She returns to the moment when she is already hopelessly in love with Soleil, thinking that as long as she is forgiving and gentle this time, he won't condemn her and somehow they'll live a satisfying married life. She leverages shady tactics to protect herself from false accusation and stop the bandits as the perfect Marchioness. She refuses Al's help in running away because he already died because of her in the first life. Instead she dies in childbirth, accused of adultery bc of her bad rep.
Life 3:
She is traumatized by the loss of her child and goes half insane thinking her child still exists. She gets imprisoned in her room where she meets Crow for the first time. He consoles her and is her only companion. She makes him promise to protect Silvia from the bandits. Silvia gets pregnant with Soleil's child and is taken in as mistress. Ilya commits suicide.
Life 4:
Ilya decides to take her escort knight Al's offer and run. He dies to the Marquess' knights in the attempt because one of his comrades betrayed them. She is forced to return because she was raised as the future Marchioness and they have no replacement. Shitleil acts like she betrayed him. Ilya discovers Al was survived by a fiance and knows she can never take his help again
Life 5:
Ilya raises Silvia as her successor so the Marquessate won't search for her even if she runs. She escapes alone but is intercepted by slave traders and sold to a brothel. Crow returns as she's on her deathbed, nursing her to make her last days comfortable. Crow finds Al, who takes her to Soleil and Silvia's manor because he thinks she'd want to be with family. Crow doesn't hear her ask for him to stay. Soleil and Silvia are married with children and on Ilya's deathbed Soleil has the gall to blame Ilya for absconding
Life 6:
Briefly mentioned, she gets run over by a carriage on their way to the theatre
Life 7:
Ilya spends all her time searching for Crow. More insight into Soleil. This loop takes a closer look at her relationship with her family. The household neglects her as she buries herself in studies in hopes of being loved. She avoids all her favorite things because Silvia likes them too and she'll always be seen as inferior. Only Crow notices this. She helps Silvia get permission to attend academy while she gets painted as the villainess in the academy. She's an outsider in her own family and we discover why along with why Silvia dies in certain timelines and not others. She thinks there might be something Crow's said, something very important that she's forgotten. She almost drowns in the bathtub.
Life <7:
Her near death by drowning melts into another preceding life where she's dying in a rain-soaked alleyway in Crow's arms. It does not become clear until much later, but her lives are blending together in her jumbled memories.
Life 7 continued:
Her mother commits suicide after Ilya confronts her with Silvia's real identity. She gets accused of causing her mother's death. Unknown cause of death at her mother's funeral.
Life 8:
Yay, new checkpoint! By unraveling the mystery she gets restored to the moment her mother attempts suicide and prevents her death. She unravels the entire backstory of Silvia's birth and dies in the course of saving Silvia's life from the bandit attack in the first life. They aren't bandits, but part of a deeper plot, overcoming a third checkpoint! She tells Soleil she doesn't love him.

Skip to Crow's POV. The story reunites at Life 7
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2018
@snowyang26 Thank you for the novel spoilers! Jeez that's a lot of suffering. Gonna drop this fast before I turn maso from all the incoming pain.
May 4, 2020
@yuusiren You're welcome! Lmao def not a casual read. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. It kind of feels like Re:Zero since she has no abilities outside of returning. Basically otome isekai on hard mode
Active member
Nov 10, 2019
it is good but they took much time to finish a chapter i might forget it and reread it again sigh

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