My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Destruction Embraced

Nov 22, 2020
 I just binged all the 20 chaps and man, what sould I say. First of all, fck that manipulative b*tch. Idc what happens to her. I've never been this pissed on any character before. But she deserves all the hate.

I was also pissed at Funi for all the cheating stuff. But I've calmed down about it and came to understand that it isn't totally her fault. Fuuko took advantage of her weak and depressed state. Yuni was just mentally not there, wasn't understanding what's happening, what's right or wrong. When she said stuff like 'I hate that b*tch' to Nanase, it was just because of how she was feeling and getting hurt and she just blamed Nanase for everything she did. I see people completely say that Funi isn't at fault here. But that's just wrong. While I understand that she was in a weak state, but it wasn't that worse at the beginning, it became worse afterwards. But at the start of Yuni & Fuuko's 'relationship', Yuni still had a chance to stop everything, but she simply couldn't. She understood what she was doing was wrong, but just blamed everything on Nanase because she didn't wanted to feel that it was her fault, she didn't wanted to feel the guilt. It got out of hands after she just totally lost control of herself and her mind was just jot hers anymore but Fuuko's.She totally took control over Yuni's mind. She only said things that Yuni wanted to hear and well, it was a success because Yuni really fell into that trap in her weak state. And obviously I felt bad for her but also felt anger towards her.

Let's talk about Nanase. At first I didn't really liked her that much. I thought she should give time to Funi instead of her Volleyball club and all. But I understood afterwards as the story progressed that it's not too easy. And I think people gotta understand it too. Sport is something that you can hold really close to your heart. Because it isn't just a sport for some people, but there passion. And no fkin way you'll just leave something you love, your passion just because your Gf/Bf says so. I understand that the relationship with your Gf/Bf is just as important, but your partner has to understand that you just can't leave your passion behind. Nanase is passionate about Volleyball and that's why she's so serious about it and doesn't wanna skip the club. But I think she should've made time for Yuni and go on dates. There's mistakes on both the sides equally. It's not like only the one is completely at fault here. Nanase should've made some time for Yuni and Yuni should've also understood things a bit better and shouldn't have had an 'affair' with Fuuko. Ik she was in a bad state. But she wasn't as broken as she got afterwards. That is her fault. Because after it happened, there was no easy way out of it because, well, Fuuko was a monster. If only Yuni had talked with Nanase about her problems, the things wouldn't be as they are right now. I see people say that Nanase forgot their anniversary and all. But cmon, she only forgot it this time. Because we see Yuni herself saying that Nanase has always texted her before she did. She only forgot it this time because her Volleyball match was coming. And well, as I said, someone who's passionate about the sport, match is a big deal for them. People who have played any sports would understand. And well, when she doesn't get a text from Nanase she really loses it because she was already weak and Fuuko took advantage of that. Yuni also herself says that why can't she be the one to text her, to talk to her? She always wants Nanase to be the first. And Nanase texts her just some minutes after 12 but it was a bit late, but she did text her. Nanase also says that she was wondering why Yuni hasn't texted her the whole day. Means she constantly has Yuni on her mind too and she didn't sleep but kept thinking what would've happened and then she realizes that it was their anniversary and texts immediately.

Up untill now, we see Nanase has been trying to make Yuni happy, to do things that she would like, trying to change bit by bit for her sake and we see that. For example, first she didn't wanted to tell anyone about her relationship with Yuni, but she remembers how Yuni asked her that why can't she tell about their relationship to anyone? And tells Yuki about their relationship without worrying about anything. We also see that she hugs Yuni in front of everyone without worrying what others would think. She was also thinking about gifting matching pair to Yuni as a surprise because she asked for it once and it would make her happy. There are other details like this that people just forget about Nanase. Idk why some people only remember some negative points about her.

I can't belive some people see Nanase as a antagonist and encourage the relationship between Fuuko and Yuni. Well, at least for now I think that only the relationship between Yuni and Nanase is acceptable. Because this Manga is unpredictable and something fcked up can happen in the future, like, Yuni just couldn't forget about all the time she spent with Fuuki and all the things she did with her and then she just goes to Fuuko again and their relationship grows to something stronger and then I might think that Nanase was supposed to be antagonist and Fuuko and Yuni were supposed to be together all along. Until then, it just doesn't make sense to me.

And Yuni, I like her but, what has she done? We've seen no development in her. Like she's just there. She's just been controlled by Fuuko and didn't have her own mind. She was just falling deeper and deeper and that's all. I understand that she was in a weak state, but like I said, she was in her senses when she did what she did with Fuuko. I don't know what else to say. I understand Yuni is just not able to speak. Her mind just wasn't in a great condition from the start. And it wouldn't have been this worse but Fuuko just fkd her up pretty badly man. I don't feel like blaming Yuni but she is at blame as much as Nanase is.

All I see here is development in Nanase, slowly but surely. And it would've been faster if Yuni would've talked about her problems with Nanase. But instead she cheated on her. You have to be emotionally prepared if you're in a relationship and tell whatever's on your mind to your partner. I understand it can be hard and scary to talk about and what would your partner think. But still.

Ahh it's all so complicated...

In the end, they both are just teens who are unable to fully understand relationships and each other. Their need and conditions. Both are at fault here and Fuuko just makes it worse. I'm hoping it wil get better from here on out with both understanding each other more and compromising things.

And well, we'll see that because now Nanase understands and is changing herself. Can't say anything about Yuni. She was silence the whole time since Nanase arrived. I'm not even sure if she really chose Nanase because she really wanted to. Or just chose her because she thought she's supposed to choose her? That would be really fkd man. Give me some wholesomeness after all this.

Well can't wait for the next chap. Can someone tell me what date does it come out? I'm assuming it's a monthly Manga. I mean, it's obvious.
The reason people dislike Nanase is because a lot of what she has done is more to make herself feel good. The most obvious example IMO is one you've already mentioned

And tells Yuki about their relationship without worrying about anything

You view it as Nanase changine herself for the better, but how about looking it at it this way: Imagine not wanting to let your girlfriend announce your relationsip but instead you can tell your “best friend" about it. That is enough to make most people feel disgusted towards her.

Also someone has summerized chapter 20 from this point of view perfectly well:
This Nanase bitch has ignored her girlfriend for the entirety of the manga, but now that some other girl is getting together with Yuni she runs back and asks for another chance? She's like a toddler that goes "No! MY TOY!"

At least from my point of view, Nanase is a very well written character (in the sense that she is complicated) with self-centered tendencies and up until this point she fails to recognize that (which is very similar to narcissism). Most people treat her as an antagonist because of her obliviousness towards her own faults (up until before chapter 20).
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Active member
Oct 18, 2023
You view it as Nanase changine herself for the better, but how about looking it at it this way: Imagine not wanting to let your girlfriend announce your relationsip but instead you can tell your “best friend" about it. That is enough to make most people feel disgusted towards her
Yes, I viewed it that way. I've already explained it that Nanase thought about how Yuni wanted to tell everyone about their relationship and then gathered up all her courage and then told about it to Yuki. That was the starting point of her changing and not hiding there relationship anymore. She even hugged Yuni in front of many people not long after.

From not wanting to tell other people about their relationship and from not wanting to even hold hands in front of other people to telling people about their relationship and hugging Yuni in front of other people. If that's not changing, then idk what is. It may not look like much, but that's definitely a development in her as a character. Ik people will say she's only told about their relationship to Yuki and not the other people and all. But like, give it sometime, it only just happened. And I'm Hoping it'll just get better.

And Idk what it is that's so disgusting about Nanase telling about their relationship to Yuki, her 'best friend' as people say. It's pretty common to have a person you can share anything with. And Nanase telling Yuki about their relationship isn't really announcing it publicly or anything. It's just sharing a secret with the person you trust the most and are close to. Yuni just didn't have anyone like that.

I've already explained all the other things you pointed out pretty briefly and given my opinion. About the whole character of Nanase and Yuni and all the other stuff. I thought a lot before writing that huge essay. And tbh, I'm really bored thinking about it. So I don't wanna do it again really.

Yk people can hate whoever they want. I straight up hate Fuuko. I really don't find anything likably about her as of now. And all the characters in this series have reasons they can be hated for, except Yuki. It's just really upto people and their thinking that who they wanna root for.

I just wanna say that I appreciate you read that big a*s essay I wrote and gave your opinion on it. See you next chap dude.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2020
.... okay everything I've said so far stands but now I'm adding a clause that states; volleyball girl is A FUCKING MORON.

That is all.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 14, 2020
Tbh, this whole development makes no sense lol
Nanase just swallowed the cheating and the "poor" Yuni got to be the "victim". No surprises about Yuni dumping Fuuko at the 1s chance. Guess the whole thing with Yuki was just to makes this more confusing? I dont particularly feel bad for Fuuko but damn... i dislike Yuni progressively lol
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 9, 2020
I don't understand why yuni chose nanase either. Like she isn't happy with nanase and there isn't any reason why she should love nanase anymore either. Fuuko has been great to yuni despite her flaws. She should have chosen fuuko. Nanase too. I don't get why she'll want to be yuni again. Specially after Yuki confession. She should move on too. This chapter makes no sense. It's more like author just wants for these two to get together so that there can be more drama later on. And also show fukko in a more negative crazy light. Like seriously I hope fuuko finds happiness.
Active member
Dec 7, 2023
If Nanase can choose too love two things at the same time then so can Yuni. Yuni will definitely get lonely again when Nanase is at club and gets too close to her best friend.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2024
I wonder why does Fuuko loves Yuni? She is still hang up on her older neighbour and suddenly she in loves with Yuni?
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2018
I think I've read enough r/relationships and related subreddits to determine: it never goes well, once a cheater always a cheater :kek: BRING ON MORE DRAMA TRANWRECK!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2020
Idk man, but in my book, cheating spells out the end and there's no point keeping the relationship without trust. But who knows~ I might cheat in the future lol

Maybe she still trusts her despite all those things Yuni did. Nanase is stupid af
Dex-chan lover
Nov 4, 2018
I love you all but i ain't reading seven pages of comments.

Yuni absolutely doesn't deserve nanase. I'm proud of nanase for wanting to be better, and the practice will serve her well for when this relationship inevitably explodes and she can find someone better.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2024
Yes, once again with 134 comments in this Title of a chapter discussion 🤣. I expect Yuni choose both, but well let's see what's going to happen. 🤯
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Sep 14, 2019
lmao when the genre turned to pure comedy. laughing my shit off by how bs it is. 😭😭
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 11, 2023
Yall don't read toxic yuri for the toxic? If they did things that made sense it would result them growing and maybe finding real happiness. You know why you're here.

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