My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 26 - Collision Course

Jun 3, 2024
First of all, thanks for the update and the TL! So happy to read this trainwreck. It's always fun reading the comments and people's different opinions. In a perfect world Nanase should have never been cheated on. Yuni should have broken up with her and Fuuko should have respected Yuni is in a relationship. But if these characters were not flawed, we wouldn't have this compelling story featuring teenaged girls dealing with emotions for the first time that are seemingly too encompassing.

Personally, I love the explanations for everyone's personality, flaws, and their issues/coping mechanisms. My problem with Nanase is it doesn't seem it's only out of fear that she's treating Yuni as a backburner? She literally forgot their anniversary. It isn't a result of poor scheduled planning but a genuine moment where she forgot about someone who's supposed to have special meaning to her. I understand wanting to be in the closet, why she wouldn't talk to Yuni too much in public or touch her, but I feel this divide is also because she prioritizes everything over Yuni. It really feels like Yuni as a person doesn't really matter to her.

Her and Yuni suffer from idolizing relationships? Seems more like they're both holding on because they've built this fantasy of being together. For Nanase, because of trauma, it seems like her idea of a perfect girlfriend is someone patient and understanding. Seriously feels like Yuni is a toy she can play with whenever it's convenient to her.

Yuni herself is starting to realize they have nothing in common but it's clear that she's lonely and suffering from abandonment issues. Raised by a single mother, she's been confronted with the harsh reality that she doesn't get to be priority of someone she loves. She's probably conditioned herself to try and understand why she's seemingly less important than other causes at an early age, swallowing feelings in order to not worry her mother who's working hard to put food on their table and keep a roof over their heads. Nanase, a popular athletic 'princely' girl giving her just a smidge of attention made her feel special in the beginning. But then, the needy child in her reared her lonely head and fell for the attention Fuuko gave.

She blames Nanase who doesn't know how lonely she really is, Nanase is probably grateful Yuni is a selfless understanding girlfriend, as she falls deeper into Fuuko's embrace. The thing is, Fuuko fulfills her emotional requirements simply by being physically present. But there's a prior attachment she can't simply sever with popular Nanase due to her idealization of being important to someone important. It's not until she's actually spending time with Nanase that the cracks in her fangirl mode have begun to break her fantasy. Now she finds herself missing Fuuko.

Fuuko who we now know is not important to anyone. If anyone who can understand what it means to be worthless, it's Fuuko. It's why she's willing to accept being a mistress. She's not even on anyone's radar, except her mother's who only spends enough time with her to ensure she knows just how much of a waste of space she is. She sees all of Yuni's sad posts and latches onto the knowledge that someone out there feels as miserable as she does. Obviously she's hoping she and Yuni can heal each other's wounds, that she'd be enough, that Yuni would pick her, and Yuni kind of does by meeting her in the theater.

But she knows Yuni chose Nanase and she most likely will never be enough yet she still wants to be with Yuni, still sees her as this fragile being in need of affection and attention. I think that whole 'Mama' thing could be her subconscious attempt at presenting a relationship that fulfills her and Yuni's desire for kinship without naming it what either of them obviously want to call it. Fuuko wants to care for Yuni and Yuni wants to be cared for. Since she has a girlfriend already, Fuuko's presenting herself as someone else who can care for Yuni, someone who can lavish her with affection but not as a mistress fearing she'll be rejected if she outright presents herself as romantic candidate.

I know someone said Fuuko would tire of Yuni in the long run but with the way Fuuko's written, I find that hard to believe. For both Fuuko and Yuni, feeling like they're priority to just one person would be enough.
Really good post. The part about Fuuko's attachment to Yuni helped me because I couldn't quite figure out (or remember) why she was so interested in her. I sort of thought Fuuko's interest was because of Yuni's vulnerability making her a worthwhile target for her overbearing affection but understanding her loneliness and empathizing with her makes a lot more sense to me and is a much better reason long-term if these two are eventually going to be in a relationship.

I also thought the "mother" thing was more to do with giving Yuni her undivided attention and affection even if it is one-sided as a new mother would for her child, simply because that's the sort of relationship she was directly influenced by. That part is still a bit ambiguous but intentionally so, so I think more will be revealed about that in the coming chapters.
Aggregator gang
Mar 10, 2020
Really good post. The part about Fuuko's attachment to Yuni helped me because I couldn't quite figure out (or remember) why she was so interested in her. I sort of thought Fuuko's interest was because of Yuni's vulnerability making her a worthwhile target for her overbearing affection but understanding her loneliness and empathizing with her makes a lot more sense to me and is a much better reason long-term if these two are eventually going to be in a relationship.

I also thought the "mother" thing was more to do with giving Yuni her undivided attention and affection even if it is one-sided as a new mother would for her child, simply because that's the sort of relationship she was directly influenced by. That part is still a bit ambiguous but intentionally so, so I think more will be revealed about that in the coming chapters.
Thanks! It's understandable why one can interpret that in the beginning about Fuuko. But now that we've seen how her family is, how her mom treats her, I'm thinking more like she's clinging to lonely Yuni so they can be lonely together.

That's exactly my point. Fuuko's developed this 'Mother-Daughter' play in her head partly because it's how she sees Yuni, a fragile being she must care for, and recognizes she cannot fulfill the role of a lover since Yuni picked Nanase for that role. Now she's presenting herself as another figure that can care for Yuni, one that Yuni can't possibly reject, in order to still be able to dole out affection for Yuni.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2024
I know, I fucking aware that cheating is not right
But I cant dislike this, rather I find the cheating is kinda hot :fml:
Fuuko is responsible for messing my morality
And not Yuni blushing when the teacher told Fuuko to go with her 😂
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
Thanks! LOL i wish my gym clothes were more comfy looking back in the day (tho in retrospect im surprised more ppl didn't refuse to change into shorts but i guess it might've been hard in jeans for coaches that actually took teh exercises seriously as opposed to just giving us a free period)

Was Desperate March of Love dropped/delayed or are the raws paylocked/harder to get?

Lol people here saying Nanase is good, deserves better and that she should get away… she deserves all this for being such a trash girlfriend the whole manga🤦🏼‍♂️

Clubs can be busy but even without the cheating drama i'm surprised they wouldn't have just waited til they got older/more free time in college or so versus it being like "weekend only" relationship, even if you're not a 'model' student i'm surprised some ppl would even have the time for a normal after school date/relationship, straight or gay, be nice if there was an alternate universe story where it worked out b/c she was patient or just joined the track team as well lol
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
What can l say? Yuni and Fukko are just so perfect for each other. I don't even feel bad for Nanase. CAUZE Yuni absolutely ain't worth it. But if Nanase still wants to be with that human shape of garbage, she has to tolerate the obvious outcome of it, which l will be hard to sympathize her anymore.

And I can agree Nanase does neglect Yuni and take her club first. However, from my point of view, it doesn't justify cheating, not even a bit. Some people here claim Nanase also has fault in this messy situation. Just like saying someone being murdered cauze they had annoyed the psychopath. They are also responsible for it.
Yeah, l can't really understand what kind of people would say such crazy things like that.

even with 'real' feelings there i'd half expect ,if Yuni broke up with nanase for good and 'chose' fuuko then she'd prolly back away/disappear from her life or so to fuck with her mind lol

hopefully they can all move on, not that relationships can't be valid as teens but i can't imagine say, ppl in their 40s putting up with this crap outside of manga stories lol
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
Fuuko is suddenly really into this mommy-play thing, huh?

Did that come from something that happened or is it just weird in general?

wasn't it because of her own mommy issues or her previous first/unrequited crush becoming a mother? altho if anything if Yuni wasn't in the picture i'd half expect Fuuko to get 'revenge' by seducing that person's child when they get older XD:
Aug 30, 2024
Effortpost incoming, I just really love this shit.

Fuuko is, in my opinion, the most interesting character in this manga. She has abandonment issues similar to Yuni but not quite as severe. It seems that Fuuko's parents were at least present in her childhood, whereas Yuni was left to fend for herself more or less while her mom worked; she had no siblings and no dad, leading to her intense attachment to her cat.

Fuuko's core issues stem from the complete lack of affection and (positive) attention from her parents - they only had anything to say to her when she failed to live up to their impossibly high expectations. Constantly being compared to her siblings instead of valued for who she is as an individual, combined with the romantic involvement with her neighbor (hint: re-read volume 1 and look at the hairpieces the two of them are wearing. The moon and star motif didn't come from nowhere...) has led to her having very high walls to protect herself from abandonment and rejection. In Osaka, Yuni notes how different Fuuko is in class versus when it's just the two of them. In contrast to her aloof public persona, the true Fuuko is hurt and still unable to move past the trauma of her childhood. Though she makes these grand overtures of love and affection to Yuni, she does not truly understand these feelings because she was not able to work through them - she was left holding the bag when her neighbor left her. This was also the one person in her life that showed her real affection and cared about her feelings, who she is as a person, and losing her abruptly would have felt like an unprecedented betrayal - "why did you leave me? You knew who I was and you loved me - why was I not enough for you? What did I do wrong? Why wouldn't you put me first? Why won't ANYONE in my life make me a priority, just once?"

This is critical to understanding why she wants Yuni so badly. She sees parallels to her past relationship in Yuni's one-sided relationship with Nanami. In the very first chapter, she says "I thought maybe you would understand what it feels like" - I don't think she was JUST talking about being attracted to girls. She knows what it feels like to be a footnote in someone else's story, an afterthought, a relationship of convenience.

As for Yuni, look at what she does when she's not around Fuuko or Nanase. Her entire personality is being in a relationship. In every scene with her and Nanami, Nanami is the one doing things while Yuni is a passive companion, at most eating food or posing for a photo. This is what Fuuko wants - someone that will fawn over her, dote on her, never leave her, give her all of the attention and validation that she so desperately desires. She could not care less if Yuni has no ambitions or interests - that's perfectly fine with her as long as she stays and loves her.

Now to bring it back around to this absurd comment, "I want to be your mama". Fuuko is initially disgusted at the idea of a baby, probably because of who it came from, but when she holds it she can feel the love radiating from it. Pure, unconditional, unlimited love. She feels this viscerally and realizes in an instant that this is what she wants, and she wants it from Yuni. She is saying that so long as Yuni will give this affection, attention and love to her, that she will take care of her in every way. There is a more sinister side to this as well - a baby cannot really say no, and they cannot leave. They're a captive audience to their caregiver, for better or worse. Well, that's just perfect for someone with abandonment issues, isn't it?

Finally, why does Nanase stay? I think she's basically trauma bonded with Yuni. She is clearly not over her own tumultuous prior relationship, and is deeply insecure about herself. The very first scene we see of Nanase is her getting a new hairstyle and worrying about Yuni's opinion of it. Sure, it's an innocent and innocuous enough thing, but I feel that there's a reason that this was the very first thing we learn about Nanase and the very first interaction she has with Yuni. She cares a lot about what others think of her, way too much, and contorts herself to be everything for everyone at the cost of her most intimate and personal relationship, a classic symptom of someone with poor self image and an ill-defined sense of self worth.

The only hope for them is for one of them to have some self awareness and figure out what's really going on. Yuni has moments of clarity where she comes close to self-reflection but she is likely afraid of what this would mean for her. The chapter where Nanase takes her to tour college campuses - it was obviously uncomfortable for Yuni because of the presence of Nanase's friend, but that's not the only reason. She had a brief crisis because she became intensely aware of how empty she is, how her only interest is being around Nanase - she is defined by her current relationship and nothing else. That's a hard pill to swallow for anyone. Doubly unfortunately for her, that's precisely what Fuuko wants more than anything.
Aug 30, 2024
Everyone is talking about Nanase not prioritizing Yuni as if Yuni prioritizes Nanase a lot. She cheats on Nanase regularly and still acts like the victim. She has both a girlfriend and a mistress. She spends her days very well with the attention of both of them.She seems like will be the only winner of this story even though she doesn't deserve it.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2023
Yep, Fuuko's panting is so lewd that Yuni blushed and spaced out plus her plump bobies. Lol!
Aug 30, 2024
i just binged this entire thing, inject this toxic trash straight into my veins.
Totally with the new editor the author mentioned in the Volume 4 afterword. Nanase is a normal person and should probably be with her normie best friend, Yuni and Fuuko are complete degenerates and should be degenerately codependent together.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Yuni in the end is just a slut lol should would open her legs for anyone that gives her even 1% of attn because in her mind she is the only thing that matters.

Nanase is just a fuckin doormat of a woman at this point that letting her past hang to much over her damn head
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Sep 13, 2024
I think only nanase is actually dating like it's high school. Somehow yuni and fuuko have graduated to early 20's level mindgames, which is why they're so much worse, in terms of "damage output". Nanase is still hurting yuni, but cheating and lying and manipulating and everything else yuni is up to in order to protect everything she's doing with fuuko, and fuuko's basically friggin borderline over there... Like. Its just not an equal playing field lmao.
Active member
Sep 10, 2023
Just break up and be with fuuko goddamn this is getting harder and harder to read every fuckin chapter jesus christ

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