My Life as an Internet Novel

Apr 28, 2020
Was really hooked at first especially due to the existential themes, but is now just frustrating due to how dense the female lead is. She is such a stereotypical MF where she doesn't notice any of the ML's affections, and it is so bad to the point where they will literally confess to her and she won't notice. The girl has an emotional IQ of a rock. It is unknown why her friends love her so much as well. As the MF proclaims, she is just an ordinary girl with no standout personality traits. Her friend group is obsessed with her for no reason.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2020
@flufflover36 @belindato i don't think she is entirely oblivious. i think she is so convinced those guys live in a different world she is making an actual effort to turn her head the other way
She is activelly refusing every possibility that any of those "out of the world good looking" guys may like her, like when Eun Ji-oh (the white-haired one) confessed. She was so confused she tryed to run away, couldn't even make a joke out of it, but as soon as he said he wasn't serious she accepts that answer right away and she turns back, looking hurt.
She couldn't accept a confession, but instantly acknowledged it was a joke
at least thats how i see it
Jun 2, 2019
@flufflover36 Is not like she won't notice, but rather, she won't take it seriously, she really believes the FL is her BFF, and that even if they confess to her is only until they fell truly for FL, I think she could easily accept a confession of someone like her, but refuse to accept the feelings of someone "of another world".
Jul 16, 2020
if i was put into a fictional world and I know that everything can disappear in any moment, I’d also try to protect my heart as much as possible.

Even as a reader I can’t completely root for any of the main leads when they can easily forget her existance if the author decides to. scrrd af
Apr 28, 2020
@Cloverfr and @SoulOverCaos I think not taking people's feeling seriously is even worse than being oblivious. She really did Jiho dirty, just be upfront with someone if you don't want to accept their confession. I understand why she wouldn't want to date someone if she's at risk of disappearing at anytime but just communicate that to them. It's really frustrating how she keeps thinking Lee Ruda is a girl despite all the signs he's been showing. Unfortunately whether she is oblivious or not, her emotional intelligence is extremely low.
Apr 24, 2020
Dan-I believes she’s still in the novel so it’s understandable for me why she’s having such a hard time accepting things (e.g. ML’s feelings for her, the fact that
Ruda is male
). You know, belief is totally hard to change especially when you’re convinced you witnessed “signs” (e.g.
the gang forgetting her existence, the fortune-telling coming true
). That’s why I don’t think she’s annoying and stupid for not getting the signals. Or actually, CHOOSING TO NOT get those signals lol.
Jun 8, 2020
Uh oh, that Yuri girl is definitely the one behind Yeoreong's phone number being leaked. I bet there was no password on the phone so while no one looked she stole the phone texted her friend and deleted the text so there would be no evidence/history. Dan-I save your girlfriend... also
Ru-Da might be either super gay or guy... he's a guy, isn't he...? Dani-I the author is messing with you because you're conscious of the novel world
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2020
@flufflover36 it's a bit complicated... she does take those things seriouly, that's why she got mad these last chapters when they "play around" with her. She already decided not to fall in love, but i think what really sealed the deal was what happened in ch. 18-19 with Yoo Chunyoung (the human AC).
See, that time she actually started being conscious of him, then all of a sudden he reveals that "I like you cause you don't love me (nor faw over me) like other girls". That made her think that was probably the case with all of the others too, making her completely rule out from being a act of romantic interest any sign of affection towards her. After that it's difficult to believe now he seriously likes her so she thinks of it as a teasing between friends, which she doesn't like.
She probably got hurt that time cause she was hoping Yoo had some feelings from her, so maybe that's also why she reacted so strongly last chapter (and also with Ji-oh)
no point in saying "i don't want to fall for you" to someone you'd never believe would love you
Ru-da is new to the cast, probably all those "inso laws" she had during the years got to her head
(also what signs? being athletic? strong? liking Dan-i? those don't really decide Ru-da being a boy or not so which is it?)
Jun 8, 2020
Btw I'm guessing... I haven't read the novel or anything... I think there's a novel right? But it's not translated
Apr 28, 2020
@SoulOverCaos That is actually a pretty good explanation of her rationale. It's just really frustrating seeing the story hash over the same concepts of Dan-I constantly afraid of disappearing, not believing the MLs are in love with her, or mis-communicating with her friends. I also wish they would reveal more clues about why/how Dan-I got transported if they're going to play up that story element. If they're going to give Dan-I a serious hedgehog's dilemma then explore those psychological elements more rather than just throwing her into situations and then resolving them without any relationship or story progression. Right now, it just feels like a generic reverse harem story to me even though it had so much potential in the beginning. As for Lee Ru-da, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... All those traits you listed combined should point to Lee Ruda being a boy, unless the story wants to introduce a transgender or genderfluid character lol.
Mar 17, 2020
you make a good point but imo she's someone whos been living in this world for four years? by now she should know alot about them how they act and whatnot. yeah she chose not to fall in love but that dont mean she should turn a blind eye to her confessions. if she's taking everything everyone says in her world as a joke then would she not regret it more if she returns and finally realizes her wrongs? also idk how she don't think ruda likes her when he literally kissed her called her cute AND basically confessed to her💀
Sep 10, 2020
i think this is a really interesting read... despite the fact that dan-i sense is quite slow, it’s understandable because of her situation. sometimes i feel annoyed she’s so dense but then i remembered ahhh she’s in alternate world, the constant fear she had of suddenly disappearing, the insecurities she had while befriending all these good looking & perfect people, i feel like we could relate to her so much, her feelings are so human, it feels so real that i really couldn’t stop reading this. im really looking forward to her relationship development with them and also the secret behind her transferring to this world. this is so far a fun an emotional read i must say.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2020
@belindato i said that in the comment before, to flufflover36; she rejects the idea of being loved in a romantic way because of what happened in ch. 18-19.
i think what she really hate is the tought of falling in love with someone who will eventually disappear from the world completely, without saying that that person will forget about her and go on with his life as she never existed.
Since she sees Ru-da as another "out from a novel" character, she associated him/her (i don't really know at this point) with the 4 kings and the girl and pushed onto him/her those "inso's laws". she is convinced Ru-da would never fall for her and just finds her interesting,
plus she thinks "he" is into the "human A.C."
to begin with, Dan-i wanted to stay away from Ru-da

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