Maybe, but there are some conflicting factors about it:
Ghost/youkai factor:
1. Standing in the middle of the road at night
2. Keeps wearing a mask
3. Wears one of the famous looks for a Kuchisake Onna (Slit-mouthed woman)
4. Doesn't take a bath (Maybe it's just an off screen thing or maybe she does take baths but she just wears that jacket/robe all the time after taking a bath + wearing clothes)
Non-ghost/non-youkai factors (More humane factors):
1. She doesn't say the famous lines despite being able to talk normally (Famous lines like: "Am I pretty?" or "How do I look?")
2. Doesn't seem to go through walls or do any paranormal activity(s)
3. She sleeps in a bed, unlike the house ghost
4. Doesn't try and scare anyone
5. Casually asks the house owner if he wants anything for breakfast & goes to the convenience store