Princess never wish for the murder of her saviour. The bastard party misunderstoodI honestly just get angry at reading this manga. MC is used and abused by others and nothing bad happens to those criminals.
Princess decided to murder her savior-she will be fine
S rank party just destroyed priceless items and attacked innocent person - They will just run away without guards coming after them to jail them or to pay for the damages;
Secret team that spies here - They are girls so obviously they will join MC after abusing him;
Dwarf constantly lowers his self esteem;
Only mage seems good for him, yet out of all of them MC is nicest one that is abused the most. This manga is M style p*rn. Anyone read the raws? Does it get better or should I stop reading it? I really wish to know.
Wanted poster is to get MC dead or alive. Princess ordered to make a wanted poster (wanted posters are made for criminals, not saviors). Even if party can't read (they can) princess still brought danger to MC willingly, which makes her evil.Princess never wish for the murder of her saviour. The bastard party misunderstood
No her annoying knight made that poster because she's dumb as fuck.Wanted poster is to get MC dead or alive. Princess ordered to make a wanted poster (wanted posters are made for criminals, not saviors). Even if party can't read (they can) princess still brought danger to MC willingly, which makes her evil.