You also have to take into account that they are talking from a korean perspective, keep in mind korea has "samsung city"(don't know the actual name), a city that is literally samsung owned, and you work, eat and do shopping, everything, under samsung in that city, so yes, that level of capitalism is terrible, not to mention capitalism isn't really that new of a concept, and has been practiced for thousands of years in some form.
I also think alot of people misunderstand something about feudalism, the biggest issues with feudalism was the lack of medical technology and other human comforts we take for granted today, a fragmented governance, feudalism could be just as free or corrupt as any modern day nation, from the us to north korea, depending on the ruling lords of that area, we only view monarchy as so terrible as it was built on the ruins of empires, many of which weren't exactly changes the populace wanted, but that's a different topic.