It's like they accidentally ended the time-skip six chapters early, and by the time they realized, it was already published, so they had to roll with it.
They wasted so much time on boring non-conflicts that don't matter in the slightest. Like, why did they even include the stone giant mini-arc in the first place? We already know that the FMC becomes super competent and badass, no need to jerk off over it for years while the male lead is completely written out of the story. The fucking maids get more screen time than the male lead.
The whole premise behind the series is based on the main characters' relationship, and how she thinks he's really hot, but he's trying to divorce her. But she hasn't even seen his fucking face 19 chapters in and the whole divorce-ordeal is literally nonexistent. I can't believe they managed to go almost 20 chapters without including the main premise in the story whatsoever.
What a meandering trash manga. Absolute dogshit, 2/10 at best and only for the art.