I guess she wanted to be one of the better spirit mediums around so her daughter wouldn't feel the need to get involved in the business herself thus "saving her" but she forgot to actually be there for her.
@BananowyJE yep, afterall her previous appeareance, she throw dirty laundry ffs.
just author trying to give the mom a chance or show why she f*cked up her parenting.
This explains why she became a Yandere. She had no love in her life and her boyfriend was the only one who provided it. Then she went through the same situation as her mother and lost him. She didn’t want to lose the only thing in her life that gave her love hence why she became twisted.
Ok ngl this actually provided so much info that everything makes sense now. Why the daughter is fucked up to this degree, why the mother was so focused on her work, and even why the daughter is continuing to choose her dead boyfriend.
I wasn't expecting this much depth and psychological drama in this manga but now I'm impressed.