@Erilien Ye thought so too. She just decided on her own they were dating instead of asking or just staying around to see the nature of their relationship. I get that she's a teen but this feels more of the usual misunderstanding trope the Japs love vs actual teen behavior
His mom isn’t actually useless when in come to love advise, but since one daughter is just in her room all the time and the other likes her brother she can’t do nothing for them lmao
Also I believe someone said that change was bc of rejection? Nice catch stranger, tho I believe is just a misunderstanding too.
I miss maho, she and Maria are the starts of this show
Definitely looks like a misunderstanding lol. But I'd be pleasantly surprised if it wasn't. Still though the daughters throwing shade at mom being actually useful for once lol. Hope we see Maho and MC-kun though.
It has to be a misunderstanding since her sister thought she was into Maria's brother, as in it was set up earlier, so that he can be the punchline again.