Necromance - Vol. 4 Ch. 26 - Wolf-Drawn Carriage Days

Active member
Dec 23, 2018
Anyone knowledgeable enough care to explain me if the magazine change is a good thing or no?

Nevermind, read the beggining of the comments.
Double-page supporter
Sep 24, 2018
That was dangerous
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Domestic abuse is not OK. Be sure to talk to your local priest if...wait, she is the local priest.
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
Let's be real, this manga got good art, good plot, good characters, but the pace is awful, and there's mostly fanservice. Just remember all this up to chapter 26 is so the MC get a new sword because he can't hold the holy sword anymore. There's almost no development about anything else besides some silly fanservice romance. 26 chapters weekly is more than 7 months, pace is too slow, a lot of characters introduced and forgotten about, every week is the same flirty teenager stuff, it gets old fast, no wonder the new magazine, it's not bad enough for an axe but it's walking that way.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
No development? What the heck? We already know that the church may not be what it is, we literally met god and he's suspicious as hell and we learnt about the defected priest as well. There's also the fact that they already encountered one of the demon king general. And silly fanservice romance? The hell? We literally had a chapter where the main couple confessed and did some lewd things together. Even Safi started to admit that those kind of thing may not be bad. That's progress whether you like it or not dude. And those characters arent introduced for no reason man. They introduced for world building reasons. They're the reason our main characters started doubting the church. Even the sword thing is way forgotten now. This may not be a masterpiece but no development man? Get out of here
Double-page supporter
Mar 13, 2019
I kinda figured the series' popularity in Japan has decreased in some capacity, cause as enjoyable as this is, it isn't doing anything too spectacular and/or interesting (and if you ask me, it didn't start to pick up until several chapters ago when the gang went to the Church). It's definitely better than getting canned, though

@jak Even if Rico still had (concrete) feelings for Shibuki, I doubt much would come from it. As Xam already stated, she already fell for one of the other members from the original party, on top of the fact that Shibuki was too dumb to notice any sort of hint of attraction during this and the previous times she started to act awkward to him during a conversation.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Damn it, MC made the right choice when he realized that drunk Safi was irresistibly cute and huggable, even if it means death

I think Rico was more referring to how she's technically seperated from the person she loves, and so she's trying to reconcile her feelings. Granted, she may also be a massive Tsundere at like Shibuki on a level more than physical, but I don't think much will come of it unless she can convince Safi for a threeway (or have Succubus-girl talk her into it/give her Shibuki in her dreams) @jak
Active member
Aug 14, 2018
People here thinking that a change of magazine means such things when tons of manga they have read also changed magazines over their life. lol If this didn't appear here, most people wouldn't even know something changed much like most don't know where the manga they read is out except if it's on shonen jump.
Jan 18, 2018
Because it mean a lot, change of magazine is not that special, but from a physical popular magazine to an online site, that scream lower sales and rating. Remember that generally the change of magazine is happen either due to the author own wish, such as health or similar reason, tend to change from weekly to bi-mothly or monthly, or the magazine itself discontinued, the problem is that release rate is the same, and the online site is way less popular and lower quality compare to physical one. It either a new series is out and has so much potential that the board decide to make a room for that new series, or that this one is getting less attention, but not enough for axed. App and online site is generally have less exposure for younger audiences, and cheaper to run. So it is not in a good spot
Apr 25, 2019
arriving at the entrance of the darkest dungeon, with a drunk party is probably the most DnD thing there is lol
Aug 30, 2020

- Sun Tsun, Art of Tsundere
Dex-chan lover
Nov 9, 2019
redrawer don't do their kjob in page 18, is there even redrawer in first place?

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