Neeko wa Tsurai yo - Vol. 4 Ch. 21 - The NEET Works Part-Time

Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@Rheeve The more you have time to prepare, the more you end up to run away. Been there, done that.
And in Neko case, while she guilty, she not even have the desire to improve or working. That may for the best
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
That's still a dick move no matter you wanna justify it. It work purely because Neeko was afraid to dissapoint peoples. There are less brutal methods to help someone like Neeko than tricking her into work. Like i said, if she was baiting with the Switch BUT said she hadto work before. Neeko will have take it better because she will have know beforehand. Here Mom just play Russian Roulette and was lucky.
Feb 10, 2019
I agree with everyone here saying Neeko's mom fooling Neeko is a dick move... but as Neeko's mother, having Neeko stay in the rut she's in would be even MORE of a dick move.
Nov 22, 2018
Might have
nah, highly doubt that
first and foremost she's a lazy bum. i wonder why none of you see that
You do NOT do the equivalent of making an obese person suddenly run a marathon with a drill sergeant chasing them without the necessary prep beforehand
yeah, but sometimes you need to cut her late night snacks or limiting her food. "supporting" without doing anything won't help, especially if the one that helped lack motivation
Jul 27, 2018
I wish my folks would have tricked me into work instead of letting me laze around all day after I graduated.
Jan 26, 2018
It was kinda do or die at this point, so contrary to popular belief, I actually agree with the mom's actions. They've tried being patient, and as is often with cases like this, it only lets them settle deeper and deeper into a rut. There are exceptions, but not Neeko's. The longer you spend with a specific pattern, the harder it is to break out of it.

And notice her face of relief after Neeko leaves the room; she's resolved herself to be hard and stern after a long time of being lax. Heck, imagine having to deal with it for years, family or not; you wouldn't have the same feelings of utter remorse. The type of apology most of the people here are looking for would be counter to her stance, where she's trying to get Neeko back into reality harshly and firmly. None of this means it was actually the right thing to do, but you've gotta shoot where you can, and it caused Neeko's mother no small amount of stress/doubt either, what with knowing how it could go wrong.

Tl;dr, mother did good given the cards given, NEETs might become bigger NEETs, right or wrong action had to be done.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
That was hard to look at.
I have a hard time just talking with other people...I can't even imagine working with customers.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
I think best way is to cut her off from using internet ... She doesn't need internet like that and she's not paying for it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I don't see what Neeko would have felt "guilt" over if she refused. She had absolutely zero obligation to work for these people. Hell, she didn't even know anything about her pay. If she refused, it would have been 100% her mother's fault that the store was short-staffed, and her mom deserved it for betraying her like that.

Besides, maybe before trying "tough love" that magically worked through the miracle of Japanese work culture, her mother could have tried, I dunno, helping her? What kind of person looks at Neeko's psychological state and thinks "she's just in a rut"?
Feb 25, 2019
Her mother has been trying to help her from the first fucking page. From encouraging her to look for work, to looking after the cat, to trying to get her to do some more chores and errands, to talking to Neeko's friend about her. This wasn't some whim or mean-spirited move from the Mother, it clearly wasn't an easy decision. Neeko wants to change, her mom knows that, but Neeko is also not being proactive about it at all. Being a NEET is not a healthy lifestyle and Neeko wasn't doing enough to get herself out of it. If you really think this was unprecedented then go back and read the first 21 chapters again.

Neeko wasn't fearing guilt of making her mother look bad, she was worried about the guilt of not doing anything with herself since college and potentially throwing away a good chance to start changing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Her mom has done nothing to help her. All she has done is try to get her to look and act functional, without interest in the sources of the issues that make her nonfunctional in the first place. That might work superficially, but it's a recipe for disaster in the long run.
Jul 31, 2018
Should have gotten her therapy instead of potentially traumatizing her further.
Active member
Mar 31, 2019
i think the father is right; there isn't one right way to do this. and having her just go to a therapist or a mental health clinic makes for less enjoyable content.

people forget that this is a piece of entertainment, it being 'so real' at times is cool and all, but in the end it is still just a story that isn't real.

i also think they handled it well. the work wasn't too demanding, the mom acted knowing neeko wants to move on and gambled big on that fact. neeko wasn't shown enjoying work much, however she finally has a success under her belt that feels like one too. everyone acknowledges that it was an extreme measure, but it going well shows how far neeko has come already.

overall i like this family of people with faults and strengths and them holding together no matter what.
Power Uploader
Mar 11, 2019
Did they ever say why and when neko’s hair went from black to white? Like, are her traumas so strong that her hair went white? She doesn’t look the type to dye her hair and people there normally would dye it blond instead of just white.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
I didn't wanna say anything but whatever.
Can someone explain to me this obsession with therapists? Feel the slightest of mental discomfort? Time for a trip to a therapist!
Is it an Modern American thing because everything nowadays "triggers" them or something?
Aggregator gang
Mar 31, 2018
Well, we've seen people die form ignoring chest/abdominal discomfort over a period of time, and if the reason is noticed, then it's usually too late. We humans usually live in negation of many things about our health. If normalizing therapy for small things can help avoid reaching horrible events, we should take advantage of it.

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