@firosahoge Yeah its pretty funny since the explanation of social norms doesn't actually make sense unless the MC is from somewhere else.
When polygamy is normal its not something that gets discussed. The way they explain this stuff is always clearly to the viewer as a get out of jail free card. Whenever a story wants to do something "wrong" they always feel like they need to justify it for some reason. Thats almost entirely what revenge stories are, justification for all the fucked up shit people want to enjoy but can't admit. The things that are "wrong" are also ridiculously arbitrary in society at large. I mean how many stories or games have we seen with Step sibling twists or even step families? Incest is apparently higher on peoples moral radars than rape and murder...
I kinda wish we lived in a world where an MC could just do stuff without needing to explain themselves. Also one where cockblocks only ever showed up when it makes sense for the story. I don't need the MC to be justified or a "good guy", i just need an entertaining story. Half the characters in these stories are still terrible with all the questionable consent or straight up slave loli going on.
The world would be much better off without this veneer of respectability. I mean reading shoujo smut or yaoi is just asking for a bunch of "loving rape" which is more disgusting as a notion than almost anything else going on and yet its somehow more ok than consenting polygamy? I guess people are just ashamed of their desires and need to be given permission to enjoy things.
Sorry for the rant.