I don't get it. He wants a cat,but isn't interested in someone willing to be his cat...this guy really needs that sniff he was thinking about.
I don't think it's that weird - he wants some nice, simple, no-youkai-involved, cat huffing. Feeling like he's pretty much sexually assaulting someone who's effectively human would kind of mess that up for him, and that's entirely reasonable (even if it's actually far more consensual than doing the same to a
real cat would have been).
I'm not sure he's going to be able to go back to that level of innocence, though - every time he's huffing a cat, even one that he's known for years, he's going to have that question at the back of his mind: "Is this
really just a cat? And even if they are, will they remember this if they ever turn into a bakeneko? And will they come hunting me down to get their revenge for this treatment?" He's not going to be able to think of cats as just animals any more, even if he wants to, and that's going to ruin cats for him as pets.
Kid should just accept that the only cat huffing he's going to be doing in future is as part of a consensual relationship with a bakeneko, and if he can't handle hooking up officially with Mii-chan he should maybe find himself another cute kitty-youkai that he's okay with.