Session hijacking has never been a problem for me. Not being able to stay logged in on my devices for more than an hour (like that advertised year of being remembered) much more critical.
Yeah, the whole session timeout thing is ridiculous. This is a site for Taiwanese Puppet Slideshows. It's not like someone can hop on and get my bank info.
Polite Mangadex Downloader has been updated to deal with the new authentication scheme as of last night - see
Previous versions sit there in an endless loop of logging in, trying to check favorites, being denied, trying to log in again, and generating a new login session every 15 seconds or so. Sorry about that @ixlone.
With version 3.3.3 it should be back to normal - i.e. maintaining a single session and less stressful on the site than actually reading it on the site.
Are you using those codes that appear when setting up 2FA?
Theses are reset codes that should only be used when you loose access to you 2FA secret.
After setting it up with the app you want to use (Authy for example), simply open said app and click on the mangadex option.
A new code will be generated for login, this code will only work once.
Hmm, I tried setting up 2FA but for some reason, not matter what I try, either Google Authenticator or Authy, the code they produce both get rejected leaving me unable to turn on 2FA.
That's a security mechanism to make sure you are not logged in on public computers for extended periods of time, if you forgot to log out.
Make sure to check "Remember me (1 year)" when loggin in to avoid that