Generically nice or not, it's pleasant to see someone showing that level of care towards others, but only so long those people are just a bit rude and not downright vile or evil. What's more, he turns out to be more considerate than I took him for. I approve.
And how moronic do you have to be to give the money before you even had them do the thing you wanted them to do? I get the desperation, but still.
Nice backstory, though. Not exactly unique, but I wouldn't say generic. Especially when the backstory villain happens to be a MOTHERSUCKING T-REX! THE "T" STANDS FOR TOXIC!
Also real talk, how is it that manga of this style look just so darn pretty? WHAT ARE YOUR SECRETS, JAPAN
@Chibi-Angi @introvertchild Just because he saved her doesn't mean he saved her just for her oppai.
It just happens to be one of the good reasons.
@TrapCard113 It's a fantasy world, and she's a mage. And we've had girls with smaller chesticles. She's one of the bigger ones. Besides, oppai doesn't decrease the power of the backstory. It's just something nice to look at.
@ShionSinX Yeah he's gullible, not a trickster.
@AxeBurningfire Dude, you ok?
@Kayriel No one asked you either.
@Doomer I get where you're coming from, but the guild is barred from doing charity. When they first came to them, they couldn't accept their request because they couldn't meet the minimum reward cost for such a dangerous monster. If they couldn't cover the costs, then the adventurers wouldn't be well compensated for risking their lives for such a dangerous mission, and I'm sure the guild only takes a small percentage from the reward by comparison. You can hate them, but you can't say they're not truly at fault.
As for the adventurers that stole their money, there's no proof they were affiliated with the guild to begin with, since the process didn't go through it, so the guild had nothing to go with. There wasn't even any proof the adventurers even came, only the villagers' testimony, and it's plausible they'd all lie out of desperation. We know they aren't, but from the perspective of the guild, it's unclear.
Either way, Lilli might've started out hating all adventurers for a while, but she's B-rank now, so she had to have met some good ones along the way.
@zarian2 Paleontology doesn't exist there, my good sir.
@Cybir To be fair, who goes from private to colonel in three days?
@dexdoujinmanga Different faker this time, though.