Nidome no Jinsei o Isekai de

Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018

See, part of the problem is, at least far as I know, the mc hasn’t remembered his “history”. It’d be easy to,deal with after he gets his memory back, it can give him nightmares and have him doing stupid things like trying to die, or disappear from his companions side.

You know, cause his new reality, and new morality, says he needs to suffer or some crap like that. You know. Soup up the drama and self defacing seen in most manga... and light novels. At least he will have a valid reason for it.

I’ve not read the light novel past the first 5 chapters, so I don’t know if he ever gets into bed with the two (or more) companions, and while I still intend to read it, the fact the last volume is being held means I’m less likely to go seeking it for my read marathons any time soon. I prefer stories that have a hope of finding a ending, or not at least a proper end of arc with a epilogue, which cancelling a volume tells me it’ll be otherwise with this.

As for the author... idiot idiot idiot, don’t spout stuff like that if you plan to sell your works for publishing and adaption. Sure, maybe he was young, but at the least he shoulda had a alias for the official releases being done so it might not be so linkable.

As for the freedom of speech, I get it, but that works both ways, the companies had freedom of speech too, speaking with their dollars.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 2, 2018
I feel I need to defend myself here, because I actually agree with this from the beginning. Actually, a comic called XKCD summarized it best, so I'll quote it:
"The right to free speech means the government can't arrest you for what you say. It doesn't mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit or host you while you share it. The 1st Amendment doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences. If you're yelled at, boycotted, have your show cancelled, or get banned from an internet community, your free speech rights aren't being violated. It's just that the people listening think you're an asshole, and they're showing you the door."
Ah yes, that old xkcd comic. It's a horrible one and misses the point of free speech. I'll reply with my own comic, which is an edit of your very own. Your link 404s btw. The page included the parenthesis in the hyperlink
A mirror:

I'm still looking a bit into this controversy, looks like it was pretty damn huge in China.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
"They are still angry at the tanuki biting the dragon. But after all the radiation therapy the tanuki reached nirvana."
But regardless this is garbage I don't care if this is canceled/axed etc but I feel sad for his other superior work
Double-page supporter
May 4, 2018
Wow LHTranslations went all out to catch wit the raws, seems a little futile tho....
Mar 10, 2018
This is a bit sad, because the plot get better chapter after chapter, hopefully the novel will resume and so the manga when these scums of 5ch target something else for their worthless daily crusade. Cross fingers.
Jun 15, 2018
Another isekai going down the hill.

This isekai has more promising story than other isekai harem combo actually. i like this easy to read isekai more than the other. with the 18 volume LN already published and i hope they all get translated someday, but.., well.., this is life.

Racism is dangerous, and should not be tolerated till some point. but i just cannot found the hypocrisy is laughable. i already read so many translated Chinese web novel that has more non tolerable racism to japanese and korea, God and Devil World as example. Actually, as long as it's not isekai, those chinese novel almost always have racism. They are always around somewhere where chinese people is the best, korea japan amurica people are all slave driver that always r*pe woman, typical villain that dont have brain, heavy capitalism, and other stupid thing.

I just dont understand why no one stop those chinese author, but this one who almost get anime adaptation and tens of published volume get axed heavily.

We cannot do anything to this situation. this novel author is definitely wrong doing some racism speak ( dont know if this is a joke or not though ) in public space. But just as i stated, i cannot laugh at this hypocrisy. If you want to judge this one, you need to look at the other too. and at least for me, the other chinese author has more intolerable racism tendency ( But their novel is also good though ).

I hope he at least continue the web novel even if all his published work is axed. This is the best thing we can get at this point.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2018
Probably the reason for this one getting done in heavily is because there is something that can actually be done in. All types of novels, whether Chinese, Korean, Japanese etc, have some racism in them as there is prejudice and bias everywhere in the world. They can get away with it since they are only novels, and there are hardly going to be any people who bother putting in a lot of effort just to get rid of only novels, and it would be hard to do it since its just a novel so its not going to be on the news or anything.
But popular novels, mainly Japanese, get anime adaptations and get out there into the social media. People who have nothing better to do can then cause trouble and get a miserable and disgusting sense of satisfaction from ruining what other people are looking forward to.

But I'd say the main reason for pulling out the 'Racism' card is because the Chinese and Korean novels we all read only put racist content into the actual novels, but our author here put it on social media, so he's obviously going to get called out for slander and whatnot when he reaches success with his work. Although I don't know what all the people calling out racism and hate speech for are talking about since people have the right to Free Speech and the Author didn't do anything apart from speaking. He did not take direct action nor call for violence against the Chinese. People call it Hate speech and Racism, but those things are non-existent in Today's World where anybody can say whatever they like with their right to Free Speech, although I don't think China has any free speech since they are now calling this novel as being racist. Those commenters really disgust me. They should really keep to themselves when they don't even know of free speech.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
@lacroix i can answer why no one goes after the chinese authors, because they aren't mainstream, their novels aren't even meant for our eyes to begin with, they never wrote them with the idea of them being viewed worldwide. Does that excuse them for being racist? No. But they weren't meant for anyone else but the chinese to begin with, and what china is, is what china is.

I guess i can preface this by saying i am Chinese,(lived 9 whole years in the capital of the whole country no less !) and im sure everyone knows enough of WW2 to know the bad blood between chinese and japanese. Thats why most chinese wn authors write japanese as the 2bit villains in their stories, just like how we put nazi as 2bit villains in Wolfenstien. I'm not trying to justify those authors, but what im trying to say is that i know where they are coming from.
And just for the record, one of my best friends is japanese, so don't say that we can't all get along as human beings.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 29, 2018
Personally, I don't gives a shit about any free-speech, scandal nor racism happening in the real life. I like this manga and I just want to read it. I hope it will get un-axe in the future.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
hiatus? really? ffs. if the LN gets axed, won't the manga run out of material to draw?
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
People call it Hate speech and Racism, but those things are non-existent in Today's World where anybody can say whatever they like with their right to Free Speech, although I don't think China has any free speech since they are now calling this novel as being racist. Those commenters really disgust me. They should really keep to themselves when they don't even know of free speech.
and the people calling them out for being racist are exercising their free speech. you act like you support free speech but then one sentence later you condemn speech you don't like. the only one that should disgust you is yourself for the blatant hypocrisy. you demonstrably havent the slightest clue what you're talking about. the only one that needs to learn anything about free speech is you and all the douchebags that want to pretend that "muh free speech!" gives them some kind of invulnerability to criticism or somehow makes their racist bullshit beyond reproach. it doesnt.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2018
The true racist is when an elven woman said "excessive fat on human female"... Saying asian, african, or else is more like tribalist....
Okaay...okay...I know where the door is...geez
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
@keoxkeox dude are you really trying to say that boycotting isn't a valid means of protest? the fuck are you smoking?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@keoxkeox Agreed, artistic freedom needs protecting now more than ever, although, like @tathra said, I prefer being able to vote with my wallet in a free market to most other things.

@Anoon2323 Love the comic, it summarises my position very nicely.
Jan 27, 2018
LN has 10+ vols while manga now on around 3rd vol. i read it some time ago and can't check anything since almost all got removed after licensing
Jan 21, 2018
L O L . . .

ps: im excited see 7 new chapter, but then see "Publication Status".. WTF!!!

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