Nidome no Jinsei o Isekai de

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@ABCsOfLife & @Jesotku Thank you for your honest take on things. It's difficult from an outside perspective to determine who is giving an actual criticism of this work, or who is simply review bombing because they don't like the author. There is an odd dichotomy between the negative comments, and the still positive rating that it has, which made me skeptical of that. I'll give it a shot, probably would have sooner or later though with all the fuss about it, because I guess that's just how the streisand effect works.
May 31, 2018
I was enjoying the narration of this series while hoping to read it until its end but now that anime adaptation has been cancelled with no prospect of LN and manga continuing after this incident it truly saddens me.. I did not even think twice about why this series started off with introducing main character's past life with incredible details about his unmatched Japanese swordsmanship because I only cared about the isekai adventure ahead of it.

Looking back on the news article explaining the incident, I honestly would not give a single crap whether some author fills his feed with racial slurs and derogatory remarks regarding South Korea or China because I would be only interested for quick past time with manga and novels. Do I care if someone posted some shit insulting my nationality as a Korean? No. not that I am saying others share the same sentiment But the author should have known better than to actually post something which could potentially endanger his career in far future.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
Americans should turn this into an anime if the Japanese are too scared (by loss of profit) to do so.

Do Isekai Douchou as well. This and that feel rather similarly comfy.
Jun 7, 2018

Sorry but i'm pretty sure not liking racists is a american and Japanese thing :p

I'm 100% sure there will be justified outrage if some random anime company made in eagle land works with a known racist

Not giving my opinion on it since I'm not going to read it, since it's a harem and I utterly despise harems. Idc about what he did but isekai + Harem=1/10 series 90% of the time according to my years of research
Jan 18, 2018
I remember awhile back there was that whole thing with the author, the anime was canceled, and it sounded like the manga might be as well.

Did the manga end up getting canceled? I'm not sure where we are in relation to the raws that were out at the time.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Einzbern I'm not really sure what the situation here was either. The group actually working on it would probably be the ones to ask a bit more directly, since it's hard to tell how often they would be looking at this comment section.
May 5, 2019
I hope this series continues, too many mangaka get blacklisted over IRL crap like this but I think they could persevere even going solo with their works by going overseas or outsourcing to serialize. I know for a fact others would pick them up despite most wrong-doing having occurred at one point in their past, Log Horizon is a good example of a series that could have EASILY done that and didn't, in his case he needed only pay back the money he was guilty of taking. Hate to see great works going unfinished.
Jun 3, 2018
I know this has a harem theme, but adding more women into the team is just plain boring and predictable. The author could have just left the demon in the male form and live with the team as a powerful support and/or there just for the lols. I am looking for the kind of companion like Alaindelon of Belzeebub.
Apr 20, 2019
Yesh I love MC that is not easily swayed by the harem~

He is kinda a battle freak tho... kinda got me flabbergasted abit when he said he want to fight the dragon
I can't really follow how he thinks... only the part where he hates thottitude that I can relate
Jan 3, 2019
seem like the author has a fetish for blond girls
like geez 3 blond girls in one cover
that's a new record
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
seem like the author has a fetish for blond girls
like geez 3 blond girls in one cover 
that's a new record
das good
Aggregator gang
Aug 21, 2018
Kinda glad they cancelled the anime. Anime-onlys would've been insufferable.

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