Just read the web novel on this chapter, the battle scene is pretty different.
MC only get stab once when he is fighting Shaon. The first stab at the beginning in page 10. Then he heal and activate magic tool "Wrath of the goddess" (staff) kill Zuuri. He activate "Corrosion Aura" after that ended up destroying Shaon's sword when Shaon tried to attack him, then had a little chat with Shaon about what is his real job/class, and he responded to be a healer but Shaon is responding him like an Oblivion NPC so MC just had enough of it and went with a silent. Then Shaon closing on him trying to attack him with super speed but fail since MC already deployed "Corrosion Aura" and ended up destroying Shaon's arm and leg. He then proceed to take the reward on killing Zuuri, "Eye of truth"(able to see through the target's status). He had a little chat with Shaon just like in the manga then Shaon died. In web novel Shaon able to meet the supposedly "God of Revenge" in his after life, revealing "God of Revenge" name, Zefa/Zephyr?(something close to that, katakana name is confusing when it translate). Then he proceed to take the "Snake Sword" from Shaon and choose skill "God speed" as reward from defeating Shaon. Btw Shaon's level is 916.