This hit too close to home. I have been there. Exactly in her state. She really need sleep there. Lack of sleep really do a number on you.
I once tried to push my sleep (after lacking a good sleep for multiple days just like her) since the remaining work should take about 2 more hours to finish. That fucking amount turns into 4 hours of work just because I was tired. It's 4 hours that I could have taken 2 hours nap (and make sure to wake up) and still finish the job at the same exact time.
With Uehara help, the actual good plan is to get him to help on something he can and let her take a short nap. The work is prgressing, she get some rest and come back refreshed(-er) to continue it strong. But well... this is manga, and if Nina is going to sleep, we know this will definitely lead to another route altogether