Nozoki Ana

Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
This is very sexy. It is sometimes rage-inducing. But it also is better than its transparent-excuse-for-sexy-times premise; mixed in with all the adult fanservice is some decent character and romance.
Double-page supporter
Feb 20, 2018
Better than I expected even tho the MC got on my nerves at times with his stupidity. I enjoyed it tho
May 6, 2018
dude the feels dude and that fucking ending omg, literally read all of this in 3 hours lol
Aug 10, 2018
D'aaaawww this was great! I almost bored myself out of it partway through but I kept going and man, that ending was worth it. I'm surprised this didn't get some sort of TV anime.
Mar 24, 2018
1,258 did. You can easily guess what kind.

On the other hand, how this is not tagged as H? Coitus takes at least 50% of the story, and whole plot can be told in about one third of the actual number of the chapters. Maybe one fourth if we cut some things out.
May 25, 2018
The End is quite disappointing. I have seen that several times now, after finally starting the relationship, one of them leaves for a shitty reason and the other person has to wait.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Active member
Dec 1, 2018
*Few minor/obvious spoilers - nothing major
It was a rollercoaster of a read, one of which I will never read again. I won't read again not becuase it was bad manga, in fact, it was excellent for this genre, but due to the fact that some of the plot points really take a psychological toll on a person. The feelings you experience for the main cast (love or hate depending on the part) are very harsh at times and as others will point out on Myanimelist as well, that those with a weak heart will not be able to handle it. This is an excellent experience however, one I will definitely remember in the future, but, it is not one I would ever like to repeat. Apart from the nearly H content, you simply want the two protagonists to just get together and have a happy ending, which they luckily do, thus does not leave an open interpretation of the end like what happens with other manga.

Overall, I recommend anyone who likes this type of genre to at least read it once and binge it. Otherwise, you will really drive yourself crazy at times due to the massive amount of time it took the MCharacters to finally realize each other with genuine feelings.

Story: 8.0/10 - points removed because it's longer than it should have been - there were plenty of good wholesome scenes where the MCharacters could have confessed to each other instead of dragging it out. Too much stupidity for the two MC to not realize their honest feelings only because they kept hiding it from each other - doing it over a dozen times gets old.
Art: 7/10 - as I stated before, it's borderline H, too many sex scenes involved - almost makes you lose the significance of those scenes.

Note: My criticisms might lead some to believe that this isn't a good manga for this genre, and you'd be wrong. It is an excellent manga that will make most feel something in themselves, thus, if you do ever get the chance, read it once and be done with it, it's not one of those manga's that you can keep rereading later on in life.
Jun 10, 2018
Remembering this back then i never did finish it because i lost interest but i'll give it another, try it's been like 8 years man.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
Very good if you are into suspense/ero. This reminds me so much of Toumei Ningen Kyoutei. Still, when reading this and I thought, "man, this seems like it's about to wrap up, so why are there another (80, 60, 40...) chapters left?" and it just kept blowing my mind... that's how a good story should be, faking you out while making want more. 9/10 for sure, would been a 10 if
not for the bs at the end. Seriously, a year to make him wait, and for what? So that she can feel worthy enough to be with him? Even so, she never even said that so it's like, c'mon, if you want to be together just be together already and screw the rest of that noise.
Group Leader
Jun 24, 2018
It’s not just some borderline H-manga with a senseless plot (thank god). The drama blends in so perfect with everything going on, it’s not perfect, but it’ll give you a lot of different emotions. It has a good ending which is always a big plus. I’d definitely re-read it if given the time.
Mar 5, 2019
I honestly think this manga would be better without the sex scenes,
I wanna read it, but I feel like I'm just reading another hentai manga
Aggregator gang
Apr 10, 2019
Basically no filler, although pacing drags down on parts (usually for good reason tho). I don’t agree with how it wrapped up, but certainly an interesting read nonetheless. Don’t regret it.

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