The "official" version of the whole ordeal goes like this. Holo (The Owner of the site iirc) had previously stated in a few discord messages that, theoretically, he would love if he was offered up a chance to go legit with the site (think aggregator becomes paid service). Of course, in post he states that the chances of this occurring are so astronomically low that it's only a pipe dream. However, some groups seemed to dislike this notion, as they cited "not wanting to make people pay" as a reason for opting out of MD.
side note
The original thread had a reply that pointed out that the majority of the groups (something like 70% or so) had a patreon link and were directly benefitting from the scanlations they provided
end of side note
So, MD decided that:
1) they would rather not create further problems when the site was based upon providing a good experience for all; and
2) they probably realized that there are many other groups and individuals more than willing to take up the torch for an "abandoned" series on MD
Personally I think the scanlation groups were 3Head in how they approached this. They had very little leverage to "demand" anything, and would not have been able to even cause a fuss if the MD staff wanted them silenced.
Of course, this whole ordeal does not even account for groups that still upload scanlations here, but drop the series whenever an official english translation is announced.
is it just me? I like this series but this arc so far, chapters 25-28 are just not interesting. I've liked it through 24 so I don't think it is getting old for me. Can't say what it is about the arc that I don't like but so far I've had to really push myself to read the last two chapters. Hope this arc ends soon.
i never thought somebody's translating this here. I'm reading it on project time scan site.
Comparing chapter 26(latest from them) to here, Project time scans still wins in the translation, it's much better, bad thing is, they release too slow.
@schlo Yeah I've read the LN and the entirety of Vol 5 is just slice of life. Building tools, talking to people, etc. Should pick up again in Vol 6 as they actually manage to arrive at Rentt's village (going by the previews on J-Novel club)
This lady is supposed to be a scholar and thinks your nature is determined by only your environment? That's an outdated theory debunked 40 years ago. No actual academic believes its just your environment. It's 50/50 and taking outliers into account 40/60.
you can find the other chapters here
theirs are much better translation, although the release time is like their group name, it takes time until they release new, currently they're up to chapter 27
ptscans (i forgot their old name) they abandoned mangadex because of some dramas.