Nozomanu Fushi no Boukensha

Feb 8, 2020
Nah, she’s just a friend who occasionally pops up every now and then. No feelings on her part or Rentt’s.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Why is it that when it comes to monsters in general and the undead in particular, Japan just can't seem to maintain any sort of naming / form consistency? They'll just grab whatever name suits their fancy and throw them around freely with no regard for what the words actually mean.
Lento turns into a zombie and gets called a ghoul. He then turns into a ghoul and gets called a zombie (then briefly a thrall, then back to zombie). And then he becomes a vampire that is, in classic Japanese manner, completely impervious to sunlight and has ugly mini-wings. He might as well be an incubus.

And to make matters worse, the NRBL translators keep calling him "Rentt", which is ridiculous no matter how you look at it. The Japanese language can't even end a word with one "t", let alone two. Can't they just use the existing name translation? Is it like some kind of translator in-joke to keep fucking around with names to cause deliberate confusion?

Anyway, there is no real plot to speak of. It isn't an isekai, but it might as well be as it reads similarly enough.

Bad series. Have a 4/10.
Sep 30, 2020
@The5thSeraph I think your review is a bit misleading, as I personally really enjoy reading this manga. I think it's about preference and your personal standards. My standards are that the manga has to have an art style I like and enough things happening in the plot to make me want to continue reading. I read for fun, and not to write and essay or write about manga for a school project, so descrepancies like the names don't matter much to me, unless the translators completely changed the whole plot and story.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
I also read manga for fun. My definition of fun is apparently quite different to yours though.
For one thing, I don't associate anything more than a few lines of text, nor communicating clearly, with work. I regard such things being done correctly as NECESSARY to derive enjoyment. So far as I'm concerned, the translators DID mess with the story since they changed the protagonist's name so damned much I thought that "Rentt" and "Lento" were two entirely separate characters for most of the duration (due to the bonus chapters being done by a different translation team to most of the rest, apparently).
Any case where either the original author, the artist or the translator is getting things completely wrong or changing them arbitrarily can generate needless confusion, obfuscates the plot, and destroys the potential for enjoyment. I've had to give up on some manga because the translation was so bad that there was no meaningful gain over just looking at the Japanese. There have been others, even with unwarranted high scores, where I couldn't follow what was going on at all because the author was neglecting to provide a consistent narrative.
Getting these things right is vital for a manga to even be readable at all. Without that one might as well just be going "hur hur pretty pictures".
Sep 30, 2020
@The5thSeraph You are right and I readily admit that. I think it's good you are letting people know the cons of this manga before they read it so they can determine whether or not these issues bother them. But I think you should consider that some people do go "hur hur pretty pictures" (Not saying I do because I don't) and let people know that just because you don't enjoy the manga doesn't mean they won't. Also, if you are upset about the names then it's the translation quality, not manga quality. This manga is nowhere close as bad as you described it because if it was you would have a lot more to say, and I would not be here because I would have dropped the manga. I can tell you have very high standards, but keep in mind everyone is different and just because you don't enjoy something doesn't mean everyone else won't either.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
I only have my own perspective to work with here.
I could go and slap the "opinions may differ" spiel all over the place, but that would generally be redundant as everyone knows that already. For pretty much everything I hate in the world there is probably someone who likes it, or even considers it essential, or a sexual fetish or something. But that really isn't my concern. Accounting for the differences in human opinions isn't my concern. I can't afford to be "the better man" or whatever, because that is tantamount to losing.
There are a lot of people out there promoting complete garbage from my perspective, and with all things balancing out the way they do, if I'm not out there promoting what I want to see harder and louder than they are, then all I can expect to see in future is more garbage. I can't force people to agree with me, but if I keep at it enough, they might at least remember what I'm saying.

To live is to engage in opinion warfare. You're only really safe from it if you have the same opinions as the majority on basically every subject.
Sep 30, 2020
@The5thSeraph I know everyone is different, so I'm not really going to try and argue with you because you're right and not wrong in any way. Even if you have a different way of viewing what is right and wrong, you're still right, so I don't really have anything else to add. I'm also guessing there are people with similar tastes to you, so your review can help those people. Still, your review was seriously ruthless (+_+)
Feb 2, 2020
this is actually pretty good, the story doesn't become cluttered with useless events
Aug 27, 2020
Hum... I can't help but feel 'too bad' about this one. The plot is really good, but... It is too much to basically only have lawful good characters everywhere. Don't get me wrong, I don't want it to be edgy or something. But, to think that everyone would be good just because. It's a pity, the story is too good to be wasted on details like this :/
Dec 16, 2020

Much respect for having a brain and realizing that people can have differing opinions that aren’t aligned with our own. Most people can’t understand that nowadays

I just wanna put my 2 cents and say that my enjoyment of manga really boils down to how good the story is. Beside reading manga, I read a lot of light novels so art isn’t really something I care too much about, and recently I’ve been reading a really good light novel that hasn’t been fully translated so I need to use a translator on the raws. If you’ve ever had to read machine generated translations you’d know that the grammar can be abysmal and there are some serious inconsistencies. Yet I’m still having a really good time reading it, surprisingly.

Like if Tokyo Ghoul was never fully translated people would still read the raws just because of how good a story it is (well at least IMO)
Apr 8, 2020
guys... this one is chef's kiss. i recommend it. FYI - rent and lento are the same person - different TL groups translated his name. Actually pretty good pacing on MC development. It is pretty wholesome story too! No big annoying drama, but instead the exciting lore is what keeps you hooked in.
Jun 6, 2018
Pacing, story and art are all amazing.
I would've prefered it if the mask was simpler tho
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2019
> the NRBL translators keep calling him "Rentt",
that's actually his officially translated name, used in the J-NC novel translations.

Additionally, Lento/Lent/Rent look really dumb as names considering the series uses mostly (if not completely) non-Japanese names. The Japanese language can't end a syllable in "t", but the author clearly intended this to be a non-Japanese name that does end in "t".
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Two people copying the same stupid interpretation doesn't make it any less stupid. "Official" translation or not makes no difference.
You don't really pay attention to what you're writing either, do you? Lento / Lent / Rent aren't Japanese names and two of those DO end in 't'. And the first at least doesn't sound half as stupid as "Rentt" does, which isn't a name nor word nor much of anything anywhere. And there is obviously no such author intent that you claim. If there were, this discussion wouldn't have even taken place.
Apr 24, 2020
I'm amazed by the hostility in this manga's comment section, lol. I do agree that Lento is the best sounding name, but it's all the same to me.

In this most recent chapter, that cat looked awful though.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2019
@The5thSeraph Rentt at least looks like a pseudo-European name (double "t" like Brett, single syllable ending in "nt" like Kent). I see Lent and think Christian Easter. I see Rent and I think paying rent for an apartment. Lento just doesn't fit as a pseudo-European name and makes me think it's a rice brand. Rento sounds like someone trying to say "rental" and failing.
It's clear imo that that final "o" is not meant to be part of the name, only to make the name fit in Japanese pronunciation. Hence, Rentt. Lentt could work too, but imo Rentt just looks and sounds better.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
So far as I'm aware, only Dutch would put 3 consonants in a row like that, and it is usually Js and Ks.
And in case you hadn't noticed, "Rentt" and "Rent" would probably be pronounced exactly the same, except one has a completely redundant extra letter. i.e. They're the same word, but normal and stupidly written versions of it respectively.
And why would Lento be a rice brand? Are you thinking of lentils? It is as much a pseudo-European name as any of the others (they aren't), and has the added bonus of not being another existing word.
In any case, having a vowel on the end of the name is an inevitability for Japanese unless it ends in "n", and in the absence of any actual common or semi-common name that matches up strongly with what they're writing, it makes more sense to leave the vowel in place than to arbitrarily remove it. And adding EXTRA consonants onto the end of that is just retarded and completely unjustifiable.

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