I know the childhood friend don't win troupe, but this manga took it to a whole new levelBro what about your childhood friend bro
I mean. I know sis is mad but she just screamed that her brother is a molester which led him to punching a bunch of people. Yeah he’s a minor (I think) but I feel like that’s gotta land him in prison for at least a few months
I was gonna say he’d get labeled as a sex offender but it doesn’t look like Japan has that kinda registry yet though I saw an article saying they’re working on it.
edit: looked it up and assault can get you up to 2 years in prison in Japan
I mean. I know sis is mad but she just screamed that her brother is a molester which led him to punching a bunch of people. Yeah he’s a minor (I think) but I feel like that’s gotta land him in prison for at least a few months
I was gonna say he’d get labeled as a sex offender but it doesn’t look like Japan has that kinda registry yet though I saw an article saying they’re working on it.
edit: looked it up and assault can get you up to 2 years in prison in Japan
Guys we saw the childhood friend enjoying sex with her rapist captor. He even said he was gonna hand her off to the others since he was almost done with her. We the viewers are not supposed to care anymore since she's used up and broken.
I’d rather him have to see his sister, the only person he cares for, get f’d in front of him by MC and get denounced by her in favor for MC. Then his victims beat him and Strap-On rape him and sell or upload the video of that on the internet.The sister is innocent and really doesn't deserve to get caught up in all this but I really would like to see the brother go through the torment of having someone close to him horribly violated just so he gets a taste of his own medicine 🤬