Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou. - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Tsumiki Plays Baseball

Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
Ah. It's back!

I didn't actually expect to see Sumigi again, so finding out she has her own quirky interest in genjin is nice.

Invisible Guy sighting! Hooray!

I guess we'll have to wait till next year to see if the "strategy session" worked, but I'm glad the author seems to be taking it easy after his accident.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
There is literally a controversy about it on the Japanese website because they keep deleting all the negative comments lmao
just keep closing your eyes and plug your ears though There is No War in Ba Sing Se after all!
I can confirm what you say is true, I saw the google translated japanese comments, and oh boy.

Our silly flame wars are nothing compared to the rage of japanese otakus who are the paying customers.

Unlike us sailors of the high seas.
Aggregator gang
Aug 8, 2018
Please, just delete/censor the vampire, he add nothing good to a story that is not even stablished.

Maybe in the future, but not now with just 6 chapters.

I mean, replace the dude with a giant black box and the story until now plays the same. Really.

(except the fake and cheap NTR scene, of course)
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Also, why does this manga attract the worst kinds of autism?
Only the purest of autism that twitter can provide. This is the consequence of not touching grass.

I'm sad for the hiatus. I don't get my monthly dose of Tsumiki. I hope the mangaka recovers quickly.

Some lolcow's attempt to gaslight me
Me: I'm perfectly fine. :)
It's kinda hilarious watching you antagonize me/everyone else and proceed to jump back and attempt to gaslight everyone in sight into thinking they/I are the ones who are completely unattached about one page that you have taken completely out of context. Oh, quoting is something I do for people I respect. Something you have not earned at all. Cheers mate :)
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