Oku-sama wa Niizuma-chan

Feb 28, 2019
If you're still hung over about "suspension of disbelief" issue, just remember that there are platonic relationships that exists, so things like these are not that far-fetched for "suspension" to break.
Also I forgot to mention this last time (being surprised, my bad), try to separate your rants with the author's work.
I mean, how would you feel if you passed your manuscript you worked for to the publisher, only to find a page shitting on your work sitting inside it?
There are reasons why majority of scanlators don't write long essays/reviews in the credit pages (most just pop a joke or a poke the work and place trivia), because they know how to respect the author's/mangaka's works. If you want to lash out, rant or review, place it elsewhere like in your own site, or even here, not inside the work itself.
Your translation is your credit and the community thanks you for it (you can include me in that too, even just for your sentiment of sharing the translation to others), but that's just about it. The manga itself is not your work, we're just here leeching (unless ya bought it, in which case kudos to you, but that still warrants some discretion, especially when err... "sharing" it to others).

And yeah, feel free to drop it, it's your choice. Not much reason to continue something, unless you enjoy it or really need it. And thanks for your service of you do drop it. Oh, pardon the late comment as well.
Aggregator gang
Dec 27, 2018

Honestly, if you are in a creative field, you better grow a fucking thick skin or get the fuck out. Shit on his work? That's the prerogative of the consumer to shit on the work that he consumes. Is this manga some kind of mana from the heavens? Are we some sort of dirt scratching simpletons who should be happy that the author deigns to share his work with us? Fuck that noise. Stop putting them on a pedestal since the nature of the business of manga itself will knock them off of it the moment it wanes in popularity. We as readers are also a part of that business, at least, we should be. I do my part by always purchasing everything I work on, even in duplicates: print to collect and digital to rip. Others should too, but that's on them. Meanwhile, we will criticize and we will shit on the work if we don't like it. And I will shit on it in my end note because that where I choose to do it. Insulting or shocking or disrespecting the author, I figure I already crossed that line when I scanlated it without permission. So why the fuck should I mind my manners after I had already figuratively stole his lunch? I mean, are you fucking kidding me about the note being disrespectful. Shit, you reading the scanlation without buying the copy is more disrespectful than a note that comes after the work, even after bonus images.

Don't like my note? Don't read it.

Jan 18, 2018
I'm amused by how many people in the comments are shockedshocked—at the idea that a couple might have married without having sex first.

When almost all of us live in societies where, less than 100 years ago, that was—at least officially—the expectation. My, how the tables have turned. XD

Wide availability of contraceptives have made it a lot less awkward to try out that part of a relationship before deciding to commit, and broadly speaking that's all and well and to the good, and seems like a sound and sensible way to go about things. But the old-fashioned way is hardly foreign to human experience, even now.
Jun 18, 2018
I was wondering why this wasn't getting updated any more.

Ah well. Hopefully it gets picked up again by a group that doesn't throw a tantrum about a character with big breasts not getting them out fast enough and that a relationship in a manga isn't this weirdly specific definition of "realistic". It's a cute, light-hearted series.


Active member
Mar 23, 2018
why is there so little sex in marriage... I imagine newly weds are fucking non-stop.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@fhq maybe the same reason why there is so little shitting in fiction. I imagine anyone taking a crap daily


Active member
Mar 23, 2018
@tcof Interesting metaphor but is shitting primary to a relationship or a story in general? like you said, everyone shits daily and it's practically part of a routine.

does the institute of marraige exist to facilitate taking your early morning shits or is it to facilitate monogamous procreation? Is sex... hell, is YOUR SEX as mundane as taking a midday shit after lunch? Come on, my guy. You don't have to play devil's advocate for the sake of it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@fhq what metaphor ? my god, and i thought my comment is very simple.
So here we go: Now, what reason why there are no shitting scene in fiction ? well, the anwser should be simple: it not the focus of story. Like you said, not primary of the story. So maybe they take some everyday, off-screen. Same reason as this manga have no sex, just for family friendly content and not a ecchi. Unless it straight up tell you they don't


Active member
Mar 23, 2018
@Tcof well, I suppose you're right. you'd think that as a family friendly manga, they'd introduce the notion of making a family as opposed to just alluding by lewd headpats
Jan 30, 2020
@fhq @Tcof, All due respect given, as I am intruding on someone else's conversation, but I don't think they are having sex yet, on screen or off. While Niizuma is absolutely beyond adorable, she also seems painfully innocent. If anything even remotely ecchi happens, she gets super embarrassed to the point of trying to escape, and let's not forget that in the very first chapter, she had trouble understanding what's supposed to come through the hole in guys underwear. While it is true that using the restroom is such a routine part of life that it is almost never depicted, not just manga but in fiction in general, this story in particular is about a literal newlywed couple. There should be at least an occasional allusion to sex happening, even if not depicted.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@KuroiRyuuga you just take it too far. This is just fiction. A romcom at that. It's job is be cute, not always realistic. There should be, doesn't mean the must be.
You can be embarrassed despite having kid in manga. Nothing new here.
And hey, i remember it take years to make me feel like masturbate and watching porn is something normal and nothing should be shamed about
Jan 30, 2020
@tcof Again, with all due respect, how am I taking it too far? Yes, it's fiction, that has been very well established, but even with fiction, some elements of reality should be present. You stated in one of your previous comments that, much like how using the restroom isn't often represented in fiction because it's "not the focus of the story", you felt that it wasn't necessary to represent sex for the same reason. But it kind of is a focus to this story, maybe not the primary focus, but at least a secondary or tertiary focus. Especially seeing as this story is based on a very particular premise, which is them LITERALLY being newlyweds. Now, if you want to brush that aside by saying that it's just a rom-com about people living together, that is your choice, and you are welcome to do so. But when I look at a story, I try to take in every element of that story, including things that might or might not happen "off camera", as it were. Judging by everything that has happened, to date on this site, it is my personal opinion that they have not yet had sex, due to Niizuma's near crippling embarrassment when it comes to sexual interactions. Now, again, there is no problem with the author choosing to depict it that way, except that it undermines the entire premise of the story, again, them being NEWLYWEDS. I said this before, but there should be at least allusions to a sexual life occurring off screen, or else why bother with the premise. The story should have been about a dating couple cohabitating. If you only want to look at stories on a surface level, you are welcome to do so. But please be aware that other people might look deeper in stories than you do, and I would ask that you either be willing to accept that, or simply do not reply to other comments if you are not willing to consider their views.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
You talking about should. I talking about why.
I merely just explain what happen. Why it is not that DEEP how there are no present of sex. That they are fiction manga, the whole embarrassment innocent is not even new. You can be embarrassed even AFTER HAVE KID.
Now if you want to talk about what it should , then i am not author.
And if you want to argues in the theory that there are no sex. Then consider that what i did is too a argument, of how it is too far
Jan 30, 2020
@Tcof. Ok, not going to keep beating my head against a brick wall anymore. I won't respond after this message. I have understood your point front the beginning. You don't think the story should have to portray certain elements in order to just be a fun, happy jaunt through story land. You clearly look at this as fiction in it's purest form, pictures and words on a page, and care nothing about anything past that. As I have said before, that is fine. What is not fine it's constantly telling me that I am not allowed to to think differently than that. And whether or not you were aware you were, it even meant to, that is exactly what you were doing. I have explained, multiple times, about my point of view on the story and it's premises, and that I look at this kind of story as more than just what is on the page. And yet you constantly tell me that I am wrong and deny me the right to think my way. Re-read my comments, in their entirety, and actually think about the things I'm saying. What is the point of trying to tell a story under a certain premise if that story is no different than 1000 other stories. If you are nothing but a troll, deliberately trying to argue with people, go ahead and respond all you want. But if you are actually willing to consider that other people might not think like you, then let this end, and maybe think about what other people are saying in their comments before you try attacking them.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@KuroiRyuuga Wait! Since when i said this
You don't think the story should...
So let me just repeat this again:
i merely explain what going on. Why there is no sex scene. I am not showing my preference what the story should be.
What is not fine it's constantly telling me that I am not allowed to to think...
I look at this kind of story as more than just what is on the page...
Who said you can't. I just explain why it is normal to be embarrassed despite married. So it is normal if they still sex off-screen. UNLESS author straight up tell there is none. Because for most part, just like why there is no shitting scene, Author just didn't think about these aspect

Now if you want to view it that way. I can tell you why it nonsense, in the story context, if you want

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