@bakauguu as far as I can tell that's not an issue.
it just lets him go back to the start.
With our MC here he doesn't need to go back anymore.
The entire reason he has to do that is because of the dying due to not having enough info, etc. (for example, right here he'd have to go back because he didnt know the theatre master would overwhelm him with mind affecting abilities. So then he'd go back and train that so he could win the fight in the next round.)
He slowly gains all the skills he had in previous regressions sure, but that's unnecessary if he can just gets those skills in the present.
Hopefully I explained that well enough.
the only reason the regression is op is because he keeps the knowledge so his next round is even better. and also that other skill that lets him slowly get all his skills back (which lets him have the time to get new skills to help with the next problem, etc). The MC replaces the intel but to an even better degree since he knows *all* the things.