Ehh, I've never had much luck with it. I've found that most of the time, people are using online dating for a reason, and that reason is they have little social skills or they aren't actually looking for anything more than chatting/a ons. (I myself admittedly being a part of the former). I've also found that of the people I've met online, they tend to carry a lot more personal/emotional baggage than the people I meet irl. Lots of insecurity mostly, I have been low key stalked by an online date before after rejection but thankfully he didn't seem to take it too far. Just annoyed me for a week or so and moved on.
If that's not really what you're looking for, it's not a very good way of meeting people. Not to say there isn't any good eggs online, but you're going to be shifting through more shit to find them imo. The best relationships tend to come from mutual interest, and personally I find it harder to establish a connection when dating is the goal. Romantic relationships bloom from existing friendship if you ask me, if you try to skip that friendship step and go straight into romance, it just doesn't really fit into place right. Like forcing a cylinder through a square hole. I think the best way to find that kind of stuff is to just go out and explore your hobbies and interests. Make friends, meet friends of friends, expand your social circle in general. Do that and the universe will usually just fall into place naturally.