In the novel Likan asked Shira about her origine in tom 6 chapter 12( recomend to start reding from here, it give more detail explanetion about Shira past(more detail about why kingdom is gone)
and Shira body ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
undead with a body state of 18 years old
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
and their conversation took 2 chapters.
So you can conting reading novel from tome 6 chapter 14.
WHAT THE FUCK?! Why did this fantastic series (that was the closest we could get to a Witcher comic) cancelled?! Would it have been more popular in the west...?
Great manga, splendid story, only thing keeping apart from being a masterpiece is that was made "just" to spread its name and make people get the novel.