If you paid attention you would have noticed it was not planned to be a short story, it was just cancelled. The story continues in the light novel.Great manga, but its a short one. I hate short stories, almost as much as I hate prequels. I do not recommend unless you do not mind finding somthing really good only to blast through it in an hour or so and be aware that it is over and will never continue. A real pity to see such a waste. There should be a label for short manga's like this one, unlike one shots tags. I have to give it 6/10, it is my opinion on this but bad reads can be skipped but its truly a sin to waste a good potential like this one had. Even the description is some what misleading thinking there was more to this story as I am yet to find any continuations of this story/character.
I am questioning Japanese tastes with this decision why has this been axed when there are some horrible harem mangas still being continued. Seriously I was so happy to see an isekai manga where the protagonist was sensible and realistic and the story was also progressing well and they axed this future masterpiece. Such a shame and very very disappointed 😞