Good lord,this is why you don't put scanlators on a pedestal nor rampantly destroy them for the slightest mistakes,seems that both aspects affected this series with pointless drama.
Now you listen up,Toriyama,you do decent work work,we're not going to praise you so much like you're some kind of God,but we're not going to smash you with a brick since you also didn't make any real mistakes,even if any machines were involved.
I personally,along with plenty others,think that machines are fine tools,so if you ever need to use them(despite your current ability to translate without 'em),feel free to do so.
But I will say you should just release bi-weekly and combine the chapters into one proper chapters,this half-chapter nonsense needs to die already,so many Goddamn sites are stretching comics out like this just so they charge more for their paid subscription.
Hell,there's some series on here where the chapter is split into four or more bits and there's more scanlator related pages then actual comic pages.
Anyway,enjoy yourself on these high seas,matey,and bring home that valuable booty.