so lets see:
[ul]MC stops the crazy bitch from figuring out he has powers[/ul]
[ul]Said bitch's henchmen are corrupt and are probably trying to get rid of him as a potential threat[/ul]
[ul]Mc last saved almost had a all out war between his two lover interests and they're clan[/ul]
[ul]Crazy bitch, is lovestruck but also bloodthirsty jealous and MC can't have any other harem members unless they're on her and hika level of powerful[/ul]
[ul]Seems like the cult isn't the only thing he needs to be wary of as the crazy bitch's clan also have corrupt shady guys[/ul]
only thing missing is MC needs to be VERY wary of crazy bitch henchmen and well if crazy bitch gets bored of him, like we all think Yurea all lovely dovey till the boredom hits, gotta remember she's a living and breathing nuke, that only reason MC didn't get an explosion to face was the fact she finds him interesting.