Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken - Ch. 107 - Farming with Cheats

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
For me it looked like something is impairing her from recovering mana, every time she used a spell some kind of cursed faces appeared. Perhaps a God really do exist in that earth and decided that magic is not allowed in his world. Just my two cents.
I thought so too, but by the last page i started thinking that she may have been bullied as a child, before she became a great mage. Those are probably the faces of her past, coming to mind the moment she loses her magic.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2023
Used to really enjoy this series, but this arc is a drag for how much I had initially anticipated it. The male lead is spineless. The brother's a raging asshole. Chris kinda stands up to him but also lets him walk all over her husband. And no one's communicating. Basically, the sorta contrived drama that lazy manga go for.
I genuinely have no fucking clue as to why Chris has barely fucking reacted to what happened to her husband, it's absolutely fucking ridiculous to me and was rather thinking about the witch girl saying, "You've changed" like what Chris was doing was a bad thing
Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2019
It's amazing to me how much people overreact to the current part of the series
I think it's justified given how the whole arc basically dismisses Christina's family and friend's attitude towards Kanji, who was just a farmer that got married to her without the big bro's knowledge, who then got beat up and hospitalized for no reason, and as the cherry on top, Kanji has no saying in the matter and gotta live with it like no biggie at all

And the wife decided to side with the bro for most of the time, too
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
The only reason I'm reading this is probably to see the duo assholes to finally get shits thrown at them.

Brat magician not being able to use magic is only the beginning. I lowkey hope it gets worse than that over the time for the both of em
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
Hopefully she gets some of her magic back so she can at least auto-translate again. I'm guessing that the magic particles that exist in our world are very minute and not enough to fill up her container with the amount she uses. Perhaps the reason people in our world can't use magic is because they never get enough charge to kickstart the ability. Maybe there used to be magic users and something happened. Who knows.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2020
I just hope that I'm not right, but it feels like the flow of events is going to be like:

-They discover tiny mage can't use magic due to some curse or something alike
-Asshole brother blames MC, beats him up/ destroys the farm/ruins the established diplomacy with the government
-Chris sides with brother or barely acknowledges what he did
-Brother does something dumb to try to "fix" the situation and the military get involved
-MC comes in to vouch for brother, succeeds but gets punished for doing so in some way
-Brother "forgives" and "apologizes" to MC and probably just gets a bit of verbal backlash for a chapter or during some kind of unseen timeskip

All while MC still being a coward against the brother
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2021
This arc still not finish or at least have a little bit conclusion?
May 9, 2019
Man... I feel for Louise, she has quite the self worth issues and that is sad. She is clever and cute and her magic is impressive. I am sure she woulda been a scientist if in our world.

Though, a bit disappointing the series still hasn't done shit about the brother being an ass. The main dude is being too nice here and literally doesn't use his own home now. Chris isn't doing a good job really sticking up for him either... a bit disappointing but maybe it will be a better payoff later.

anyways, thanks for the mass drop of chapters :) appreciate the work.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
It's amazing to me how much people overreact to the current part of the series
To be fair, this might have been the most anticipated and built up development in the entire story. It's been in the works since the earliest chapters, and everyone was waiting for this decision point of "will she return or stay", but the way it's been handled is... poor, to say the least.
The brother is a giant cunt due his ludicrously exaggerated sister complex (and just in general, if his treatment of his supposed fiancee is any indication), the witch is a fence sitter who mostly seems upset with technology existing, Kanji got hospitalized(!) by his brother-in-law for quite literally no reason and seems barely upset by it, and Chris has reacted precious little to any of it, including her husband getting beaten to a pulp by her brother.

Overall, it's a highly anticipated arc that's being used for some very shittily written drama. The characters readers looked forward to meeting up turn out to be assholes and pushovers respectively, the conflict readers looked forward to is barely even addressed to make more room for farming and conflicts that don't matter at all (like, who actually cares about witch vs. technology/witch vs. mystical mana draining at this late stage in the story?), and despite this being the story turn in the making for most of the story's runtime, the payoff so far is pretty fucking weak.

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